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♀ Lianne
What does Lianne mean?
Lianne as a girls' name is an English and French name, and the meaning of the name Lianne is "to twine around". Lianne is an alternate form of Leanna (English). Lianne is also a derivative of Liana (French). Lianne is also used as a variation of Liane.
VARIANTS Liann, Liahne, Leyanne, Leighanne, Leianne, Leeanne, Leeann▼, Leeahnne, Leanne▼, Leann▼
RELATIONS VIA LEANNA, LIANA, LIANE Leana, Leiana, Liahna, Lianna▲
Lianne Jordan (L.J.), ..
How popular is Lianne?
Lianne is a somewhat prominent first name for females (#3369 out of 4276, Top 79%) but an unusual last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Lianne was first listed in 1950-1959 and reached its highest rank of #1467 in the U.S. during 1960-1969, but is not in the Top 1000 at the moment. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Popular varying forms of Lianne listed in the Top 2000 are Liana (#486 IN 2018), Leanna (#827), Lianna (#1102), Leana, Leann, Leanne, Leeann, Leeanne and Liane. Adoption of these relations of Lianne was widespread in the 1980s (MEDIAN #1271) and is somewhat lower today (#1641, ▼39.8%), with versions such as Leann becoming somewhat dated. Liana and Lianna are two of the more chic girl names here.
Similar Names
Lianne is alike in pronunciation to Laine, Lane, Layne, Lean, Lene, Leoine, Leone▼, Lin, Linn, Louann, Louanne, Luane, Luann▼, Luanne▼, Lynn▼ and Lynne▼. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Arianne, Cianna▼, Danne, Deanne▼, Diane▼, Diann▼, Dianna▼, Dianne▼, Dionne▼, Dyanne, Evanne, Gianna▲, Hanne, Janne, Jeanne▼, Joanne▼, Kianna▼, Laina, Lainey▲, Lana▲, Lanae, Lanah, Lani, Lannie, Lenna▼, Leonie, Lewanna, Liannah, Lilyanne, Lina, Linah, Linnae, Linnie▼, Livanna, Lonie▼, Lonna, Lonni, Lonnie, Louanna, Luanna, Luannie, Lynnae, Lynnea, Minne, Ozanne, Reanne, Riann, Rianne, Roanne, Ryanne, Sianna, Tiane, Tianna▼, Tianne, Vianna, Vienne, Ysanne, Zanne and Zoanne. These names tend to be less frequently used than Lianne.