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♀ Lieselotte
What does Lieselotte mean?
Lieselotte as a girls' name. Combination of Liese (Hebrew) "God's promise" and Charlotte (French) "little and womanly". Also form of Elise.
ASSOCIATED WITH combination (blend), promise (oath), little, womanly (gentle)
Lieselotte Miyah (L.M.), ..
How popular is Lieselotte?
Lieselotte is a somewhat prominent first name for females (#3795 out of 4276, Top 89%) but an unusual surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Charlotte (#6 VIA LATEST LIST) and Elise (#176) are the prominent alternative forms of Lieselotte (UNLISTED). Adoption of these forms of Lieselotte is widespread among parents presently (ADOPTION OF 0.9%). Charlotte has been the most prominent, although Elise appears to be gaining popularity too. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Lieselotte is alike in pronunciation to Lisolette. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Ancelote, Anisette, Bellette, Cecette, Cosette, Eevette (see Evette), Finette, Genette, Gilette, Ginette, Isotte (see Isolde), Jamesette, Jenette, Josette, Karlotte, Laurette, Leelee, Lenette, Leretta (see Loretta), Leslee, Leslie▼, Liesbeth (see Elisabeth), Liesel, Liesl, Liezel, Linett, Linetta, Linette, Linnette, Lisbett, Lisbette, Lisebet, Lisel, Liseta, Liseth, Lisette▼, Lissette▼, Lizette▼, Lolotte, Lorrette, Lotte, Lunette, Lurette, Luzette, Lynette▼, Lynnette▼, Lysbette, Lyzbette (see Elizabeth), Lyzette, Minette, Mosette, Musette, Nellette, Nicolette▼, Nicollette, Ninette, Odelette, Pearlette, Perlette, Pierette, Pierrette, Rillette, Rosette, Sharlotte, Susette, Ursulette, Vedette, Vidette, Villette, Violette▲, Viollette (see Violet), Wilmette, Yevette and Ysotte. These names tend to be less commonly used than Lieselotte.