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♀ Lillia
What does Lillia mean?
Lillia as a girls' name has its root in Latin, and the meaning of the name Lillia is "lily". Lillia is an alternate spelling of Lillian (Latin): Flower name. Lillia is also a form of Lily (Latin): Flower name via Old French.
ASSOCIATED WITH lily (flower)
RELATIONS VIA LILLIAN, LILY Lil, Lila▲, Lilas, Lili, Lilia▲, Lilian▲, Liliana▲, Liliane, Lilias, Lilie, Lilley, Lilli, Lilliana▲, Lilliane, Lilliann, Lillianna▲, Lillianne, Lillie▼, Lillika, Lillita, Lilly, Lillyan▼, Lilyan▼
Lillia Dalary (L.D.), ..
How popular is Lillia?
Lillia is a somewhat prominent first name for women (#3794 out of 4276, Top 89%) but an uncommon surname for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Lillia reached its apex position of #944 in the U.S. in the 1880s, but is not in the list at the moment. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Lila (#224 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Lili, Lilia (#1062), Lilian (#613), Liliana (#109), Lilie, Lilla, Lilli, Lillian (#34), Lilliana (#310), Lillianna (#931), Lillie (#668), Lilly (#161), Lillyan, Lily (#31) and Lilyan are the prominent alternative forms of Lillia. Other variants, like Lilliane, are seldom used. Usage of these forms of Lillia was at its most widespread 128 years ago (AVERAGE #1125) and is somewhat less today (#1067, ▼39.6%), with forms such as Lilla becoming less in vogue. Lillian is more widely used than the rest, though Lila has become popular as well over time.
Similar Names
Lillia is pronounced similarly to Laela, Lailie, Lali, Lalia, Lallia, Lallie, Lally, Lalya, Leela▲, Leelia, Leila▲, Lela▼, Lelia▼, Lellia, Leola▼, Leyla▲, Lilah▲, Lilo, Loela, Loelia, Lola, Lolla, Lolly, Lula▼ and Lyla▲. Other recommended sound-alike names are Ailli, Aillie, Aillin, Airlia, Allia, Amillia, Billa, Billina, Callia, Cilia, Dilla, Dilli, Ellia, Filia, Fillida (see Phillida), Fillira, Fillis, Gallia, Gilia, Gillian▼, Gillie, Hellia, Hillie, Illia, Jilli, Jillian▼, Jiulia, Jullia, Licia, Lidia, Ligia, Lisia, Livia▲, Milli, Millie, Nillda (see Nilda), Rilla▼, Silia, Sillija (see Silja), Silliya (see Silja), Silvia, Tallia, Tilli, Tillie▼, Tullia, Vallia, Willa▲, Willda, Willie▼ and Zilvia. These names tend to be less commonly used than Lillia.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]