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What does Lily mean?

Lily Pronunciation of Lily as a girls' name is pronounced LIL-ee. It is of Latin origin. Flower name via Old French, from Latin lilium. The lily is a symbol of innocence and purity as well as beauty. Actresses Lillie Langtry, Lily Taylor, Lily Tomlin, Leelee Sobieski. Also form of Elizabeth. Also form of Lillian.


ASSOCIATED WITH old, purity (virgin), beauty


VARIANTS Leelee, Lil, Lila, Lilas, Lili, Lilia, Lilian, Liliana, Liliane, Lilias, Lilie, Lilla, Lilley, Lilli, Lillia, Lillianne, Lillie, Lillika, Lillita, Lilly, Lilyan, Lilyanne

SEE ALSO Lilibeth, Rosa



Lily Ellianna (L.E.), ..

How popular is Lily?

Lily is a very popular first name for women (#652 out of 4276, Top 15%) and also a very popular surname for all people (#71372 out of 150436, Top 47%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Lily reached its apex rank of #15 in the U.S. in 2011, and is at #31 currently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Lily name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Lily outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Prominent varying forms of Lily (#31 IN 2018) are Elizabeth (#13), Lillian (#34), Liliana (#109), Lilly (#161), Lila (#224), Lilian (#613), Rosa (#641), Lillie (#668), Lilia (#1062), Lilla, Lilie, Lillia, Lilibeth, Lili, Lilyan, Lilyanne and Lilli. These forms of Lily were at the apex of their popularity in the 1880s (ADOPTION OF 4.2%) and are now much less conventional (ADOPTION 1.6%, DOWN 61%). Elizabeth is more widely used than the rest, though Liliana has grown popular as well over time, while forms like Lillie have lost favor.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Lily, Elizabeth, Lila, Lili, Lilia in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Lilian, Liliana, Lilibeth, Lilie, Lilla in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Lilli, Lillia, Lillian, Lillie, Lilly in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Lilyan, Lilyanne, Rosa in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Lily, Elizabeth, Lilian, Lillian, Lillie, Lilly outside U.S.

Similar Names

Lily is pronounced similarly to Laela, Lailie, Laily, Lala, Laleh, Lalia, Lalla, Lally, Lalya, Layla, Leala, Leela, Leila, Leilah, Lela, Lelah, Lelia, Leola, Lilah, Lilo, Loela, Lolly, Lula, Lulu and Lyla. Other recommended sound-alike names are Ally, Arly, Billy, Cilly, Eily, Elly, Emily, Gilly, Haily, Hilly, Jilly, July, Kaly, Lacy, Laidy, Lal, Lesly, Lesy, Lexy, Libby, Liby, Lida, Lies, Lilac, Lin, Lina, Lind, Linn, Linzy, Lira, Lis, Lisa, Lise, Lisl, Lissy, Liv, Liva, Livvy, Livy, Livya, Liya, Liza, Lize, Lizy, Lizzy, Lory, Lucy, Milly, Tilly and Willy. These names tend to be less frequently used than Lily.
