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What does Lise mean?
Lise as a girls' name is of Hebrew derivation, and the name Lise means "God is my oath". Lise is a variant form of Elise (French, Hebrew): pet form of Elisabeth. Lise is also a derivative of Elizabeth (Hebrew). Lise is also used as a variation of Lisa (English, Hebrew).
VARIANTS Lyse, Lys, Lizz, Lize, Liz▼, Lis, Liese, Lies
OTHER FORMS VIA ELISE, ELISABETH, ELIZABETH, LISA Bess▼, Biff, Bit, Eliese, Elisa▲, Elisee, Elisse, Elize, Elle▲, Ellse, Els, Elsa▼, Else, Elsee, Elsie▼, Elsy, Elyse▲, Ilsa, Ilse, Ilyse, Leasa, Leesa, Leisa▼, Leisel, Leizel, Lib, Libbey, Libbi, Libbie▼, Libby, Libbye, Liesa, Liesel, Liesja, Liesl, Lili, Lilli, Lilo, Lily▲, Lisabel, Lisbet, Lisbeth▼, Lisbett, Lisebet, Lisel, Liset, Liseta, Liseth, Lisette▼, Lisl, Lison, Lissa, Lissi, Lissie, Lissy, Liszka, Liza▼, Lizbet, Lizeth▼, Lizy, Lizzi, Lizzie▼, Lizzy, Lotte, Lusa, Lysa, Lysbet, Lyssa, Lyssi, Lyssie, Lyza
Lise Jayla (L.J.), ..
How popular is Lise?
Lise is a very prominent first name for females (#1615 out of 4276, Top 38%) and a slightly less prominent last name for both adults and children (#111119 out of 150436, Top 74%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Lise was first listed in 1950-1959 and reached its top position of #955 in the U.S. in the 1950s, but is not ranked at the moment. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Bess, Elisa (#457 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Elisabeth (#789), Elise (#176), Elizabeth (#13), Elle (#380), Elsa (#888), Else, Elsie (#280), Elyse (#692), Ilse, Leasa, Leesa, Leisa, Libbie, Libby (#1088), Liesl, Lili, Lilli, Lily (#31), Lisa (#891), Lisbet, Lisbeth, Liset, Lisette, Lissa, Lissie, Liz, Liza (#1662), Lizbet, Lizeth (#1757), Lizzie and Lyssa are the popular alternative forms of Lise appearing in the Top 2000. Other forms, like Elize, are uncommon. These forms of Lise were at the peak of their popularity in the 1960s (MEDIAN #1290) and are now much less common (#1503, ▼68.7%), with forms such as Liz becoming less trendy. The more fashionable birth names in this list are Elisa, Elise, Elle, Elyse and Lily.
Similar Names
Lise is alike in pronunciation to Lace, Leece, Leese, Lois▼, Loise, Louise▼, Lowise, Loyce, Loyise, Luce, Luise, Luz, Lyz and Lyzz. Other recommended sound-alike names are Ailse, Alise, Anise, Ase, Ilise, Laine, Laisey, Lake, Lane, Lee▼, Lene, Lesy, Lia▲, Liane, Liba, Libet, Liby, Lida▼, Lidie, Lil, Lila▲, Lilie, Lin, Lina, Lind, Linea, Linet, Linn, Linsey▼, Linsie, Lior, Lira, Liri, Lisha, Lisia, Lita, Litsea, Liv▲, Liva, Livie, Livy, Liya, Loire, Love, Luisa▲, Lupe▼, Rise, Rose▼ and Suse. These names tend to be less commonly used than Lise.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]