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♀ Liset
What does Liset mean?
Liset as a girls' name has its root in Hebrew, and Liset means "God is my oath". Liset is an alternate form of Elisabeth (Hebrew).
RELATIONS VIA ELISABETH Elise▲, Ilse, Liesbeth, Lilli, Lis, Lisa▼, Lisabel, Lise, Lisel, Liseth
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Liste, ..
(male) Liser, ..
Liset Astrid (L.A.), ..
How popular is Liset?
Liset is an uncommon first name for women. Liset is a rare last name too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Liset was first listed in 1999 and reached its apex rank of #1910 in the U.S. then, but is not found in the list at the moment. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Elisabeth (#789 A YEAR AGO), Elise (#176), Ilse, Lilli, Lisa (#891) and Lise are the popular variation forms of Liset listed in the Top 2000. Other forms, like Lisabel, are uncommon. These relations of Liset were popular in the 1960s (USAGE OF 2.77%) and have become significantly less popular since (USAGE 0.14%, ▼95%), with versions such as Elisabeth becoming less fashionable. Elise has been the most prominent.
Similar Names
Liset is alike in pronunciation to Lisette▼, Lissette▼ and Lizette▼. Other recommended sound-alike names are Kismet, Laisey, Lanet, Leisel, Libet, Lies, Liese, Liesel, Linea, Linet, Linett, Linnet, Linsey▼, Lirit, Lisabet, Lisbet, Lisbeth▼, Lisbett, Lisebet, Liseta, Lisha, Lisia, Lisl, Lison, Lissa, Lissi, Lissy, Litsea, Lizbet, Lize, Lizeth▼, Loise, Luise, Lunet, Lysbet, Lyse and Riet. These names tend to be more commonly used than Liset.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]