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♀ Lolita
What does Lolita mean?
Lolita ▼ as a girls' name. Diminutive of Lola (Spanish) "sorrows". Made famous by Vladimir Nabokov's 1958 novel about a young nymphet who had a much older admirer. Because of this, the name has become a generic term for a sexually precocious young girl. Also form of Carol. Also form of Charlotte. Also form of Dolores. Also form of Louise.
Lolita Romina (L.R.), ..
How popular is Lolita?
Lolita is a very popular first name for women (#969 out of 4276, Top 23%) but a rare last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Lolita was first listed in 1890-1899 and reached its highest position of #634 in the U.S. in the 1960s, but is not found in the list at the moment. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Charlotte (#6 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Lola (#239), Louise (#800), Carol (#1788), Dolores and Lolla are the popular related forms of Lolita appearing in the Top 2000. Usage of these forms of Lolita reached its highest during the years 1940-1949 (ADOPTION OF 2.91%) and is now much less (ADOPTION 0.87%, ▼70%). Charlotte is more familiar than the rest, while versions like Lolita have become less contemporary.
Similar Names
Lolita▼ is alike in pronunciation to Lalita, Lillita, Loleta, Loletta and Lulita. Other recommended sound-alike names are Alita, Belita, Bonita▼, Coleta (see Colette), Colina, Corita, Donita, Dorita, Elita, Ellita, Felita, Joleta, Jolina, Jolisa, Jonita, Jovita, Julita, Kolina, Lalia, Lalika, Lanita, Larita, Lelia▼, Lenita, Lilia▲, Lilith▲, Lillith, Lita, Loelia, Loida, Lolla, Lolotte, Loreta, Loria, Lorita, Lotta▼, Louisa▼, Louiza, Lovina, Lovisa, Lucita, Lupita, Lusita, Luzita, Malita, Melita, Polina, Rosita, Solina, Talita, Yonita and Zolia. These names tend to be less commonly used than Lolita.