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♀ Lora
What does Lora mean?
Lora ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced LOR-ah. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Lora is "laurel". Variant of Laura. This was the usual spelling in the 14th century. See also Loretta.
ASSOCIATED WITH laurel (tree)
VARIANTS Lorabelle, Lorah, Loranna, Loreanna, Loree, Lorenna, Lorey, Lori▼, Loribelle, Lorinda, Lorita, Lorra, Lorrae, Lorree, Lorrie▼, Lory, Lowra
RELATIONS VIA LAURA, LORETTA Larea, Lari, Laure, Lauri▼, Lavra, Lawra, Lolly, Loreen, Loren▼, Lorena▼, Lorene▼, Lorenza, Loreta, Loretta▼, Lorie▼, Lorine▼, Lorna▼, Lorri▼, Lorry
Lora Eve (L.E.), ..
How popular is Lora?
Lora is a very prominent first name for women (#420 out of 4276, Top 10%) and also a very prominent surname for all people (#6287 out of 150436, Top 4%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Lora reached its apex position of #201 in the U.S. in the 1880s, but is not in the Top 1000 at the moment. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent alternative forms of Lora rated in the Top 2000 are Laura (#340 LAST YEAR), Laure, Lauri, Loree, Loreen, Loren (#1932), Lorena (#1185), Lorene, Lorenza, Loreta, Loretta (#1085), Lori (#1575), Lorie, Lorinda, Lorine, Lorita, Lorna, Lorraine (#1570), Lorri, Lorrie, Lorry and Lory. Usage of these relations of Lora was more pronounced 58 years ago (USAGE OF 2.5%) and has become significantly reduced since (USAGE 0.1%, 96% LESS), with forms like Lora becoming less fashionable.
Similar Names
Lora▼ is alike in pronunciation to Lara, Larae, Laray, Laree, Larra, Leeora, Leora▼, Leorah, Liora, Lira, Liri, Loria, Lura▼, Lyra▲ and Lyria. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Abra, Adra, Amora▲, Anora, Azora, Bora, Clora, Cora▼, Deora, Dora▼, Drora, Edra, Eira, Fara, Flora▼, Glora, Kara▼, Kera, Kora▲, Kyra▼, Lana▲, Lanora, Lela▼, Lenora▼, Leoda, Leona▼, Leota▼, Leya, Lida▼, Lina, Lior, Lisa▼, Logan▲, Loir, Loire, Lois▼, Lola, Lona▼, Lorain, Lorin, Loryn, Loyda, Luba, Lula▼, Luna▲, Lusa, Lyda▼, Mera, Mira▲, Mora, Myra, Nora▲, Onora, Pera, Rora, Tara▼, Thora, Tora, Zohra and Zora. These names tend to be less commonly used than Lora.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]