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What does Lory mean?
Lory as a name for girls is of Latin origin, and the name Lory means "the bay, or laurel plant". Lory is an alternate form of Laura (Latin). Lory is also a variant of Lora (Latin).
VARIANTS Lowra, Lorry, Lorrie▼, Lorri▼, Lorree, Lorrae, Lorra, Lorie▼, Lori▼, Lorey, Loree, Lorah, Lawra, Laurie▼, Lauri▼, Lari, Larea
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA LAURA, LORA Laure, Lavra, Lolly, Loreen, Loren▼, Lorena▼, Lorene▼, Lorine▼, Lorita, Lorna▼
Lory Zion (L.Z.), ..
How popular is Lory?
Lory is a somewhat popular first name for females (#2860 out of 4276, Top 67%) and an even more popular surname for both adults and children (#38464 out of 150436, Top 26%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Lory entered the list in 1950-1959 and reached its peak rank of #1277 in the U.S. during the years 1960-1969, but is not listed at the moment. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Laura (#340 A YEAR AGO), Laure, Lauri, Laurie, Lora, Loree, Loreen, Loren (#1932), Lorena (#1185), Lorene, Lori (#1575), Lorie, Lorine, Lorita, Lorna, Lorri, Lorrie and Lorry are the prominent alternative forms of Lory ranked in the Top 2000. Other variants, like Lari, are seldom used. Adoption of these relations of Lory was at its peak 58 years ago (USAGE OF 2.7%) and is now much lower (USAGE 0.1%, DOWN 97%), with versions such as Lauri becoming less trendy.
Similar Names
Lory is alike in pronunciation to Lara, Larae, Laray, Laree, Larra, Leeora, Leora▼, Leorah, Liora, Lira, Liri, Loria, Lura▼, Lyra▲ and Lyria. Other recommended sound-alike names are Cary▼, Corry, Cory▼, Dorry, Dory, Eiry, Flory, Glory, Ivory▲, Jery, Jorry, Kary, Korry, Kory, Lacy▼, Lady, Lark, Laryn, Lesy, Lexy, Liby, Lily▲, Lior, Livy, Lizy, Loir, Loire, Lois▼, Lola, Lona▼, Loni▼, Lorel, Lorin, Loris, Lorne, Lorryn, Loryn, Lotty, Lou▼, Love, Lovey, Lucy, Mary▼, Norry, Rory▲, Torry, Tory and Zary. These names tend to be less commonly used than Lory.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]