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♀ Luana
What does Luana mean?
Luana as a girls' name is pronounced loo-AHN-ah. It is of Hawaiian origin, and the meaning of Luana is "enjoyment". Also contemporary blends based on Lou or Louise with Ann or Anna. In Italy, use of the name was inspired by a film of the 1930s.
VARIANTS Lewanna, Louann, Louanna, Louanne, Luanda, Luane, Luann▼, Luanna, Luannah, Luanne▼, Luannie, Luwana
RELATED FORMS VIA ANN, ANNA, LOU, LOUISE Ana, Hania, Lluisa, Lola, Louisa▼, Louiza, Lu▼, Luella▼, Luisa▲, Luise, Lujza, Lula▼, Lulita, Lulu▼, Nani
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Luava, ..
(male) Luny, ..
Luana Haisley (L.H.), ..
How popular is Luana?
Luana is a very prominent first name for females (#2095 out of 4276, Top 49%) but an uncommon last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Luana was first listed in 1920-1929 and reached its highest position of #910 in the U.S. during 1940-1949, but is not in the list currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Anna (#54 FROM RECENT DATA), Ana (#215), Lola (#239), Louisa (#732), Louise (#800), Luella (#954), Ann (#983), Luisa (#1112), Lula (#1860), Louann, Louanna, Louanne, Lou, Lu, Luann, Luanna, Luanne and Lulu are the popular alternative forms of Luana. Other forms, like Louiza, are uncommon. Adoption of these forms of Luana was common among parents a century ago (AVERAGE #898) and is now significantly reduced (#1418, ▼90.3%), with versions such as Anna becoming somewhat dated. Anna has been the most well-known version, though Luisa has gained in popularity.
Similar Names
Luana is pronounced similarly to Laina, Lana▲, Lanae, Lanie, Lannah, Lanny, Leanna, Leena▲, Leeona, Leiana, Leni, Lenna▼, Leona▼, Leonia, Leowna, Lewana, Leyna, Liahna, Lianna▲, Lina, Linna, Lonna, Lynah, Lynea and Lynnea. Other recommended sound-alike names are Auina, Avana, Ciana, Dana▼, Deana▼, Duana, Duayna, Dwana, Dyana, Edana, Elana, Evana, Giana, Ilana, Ivana▲, Jana▼, Joana▼, Juana, Keana▼, Kiana▼, Lada, Lane, Lata, Laurana, Lean, Leanda, Leann▼, Leanza, Leasa, Liane, Liann, Lucia▲, Luciana▲, Luisana, Luiza, Luvina, Luziana, Moana, Muna, Qiana, Rana, Roana, Ryana, Sana, Seana, Shana▼, Suzana, Teana, Tiana and Viana. These names tend to be less commonly used than Luana.