Home > Luana


What does Luana mean?

Luana Pronunciation of Luana as a girls' name is pronounced loo-AHN-ah. It is of Hawaiian origin, and the meaning of Luana is "enjoyment". Also contemporary blends based on Lou or Louise with Ann or Anna. In Italy, use of the name was inspired by a film of the 1930s.




VARIANTS Lewanna, Louann, Louanna, Louanne, Luanda, Luane, Luann, Luanna, Luannah, Luanne, Luannie, Luwana

RELATED FORMS VIA ANN, ANNA, LOU, LOUISE Ana, Hania, Lluisa, Lola, Louisa, Louiza, Lu, Luella, Luisa, Luise, Lujza, Lula, Lulita, Lulu, Nani


(female) Luava, ..

(male) Luny, ..

Luana Haisley (L.H.), ..

How popular is Luana?

Luana is a very prominent first name for females (#2095 out of 4276, Top 49%) but an uncommon last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Luana was first listed in 1920-1929 and reached its highest position of #910 in the U.S. during 1940-1949, but is not in the list currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Luana name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Luana outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Anna (#54 FROM RECENT DATA), Ana (#215), Lola (#239), Louisa (#732), Louise (#800), Luella (#954), Ann (#983), Luisa (#1112), Lula (#1860), Louann, Louanna, Louanne, Lou, Lu, Luann, Luanna, Luanne and Lulu are the popular alternative forms of Luana. Other forms, like Louiza, are uncommon. Adoption of these forms of Luana was common among parents a century ago (AVERAGE #898) and is now significantly reduced (#1418, 90.3%), with versions such as Anna becoming somewhat dated. Anna has been the most well-known version, though Luisa has gained in popularity.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Luana, Ana, Ann, Anna, Lola in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Lou, Louann, Louanna, Louanne, Louisa in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Louise, Lu, Luann, Luanna, Luanne in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Luella, Luisa, Lula, Lulu in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Anna, Lola, Louise outside U.S.

Similar Names

Luana is pronounced similarly to Laina, Lana, Lanae, Lanie, Lannah, Lanny, Leanna, Leena, Leeona, Leiana, Leni, Lenna, Leona, Leonia, Leowna, Lewana, Leyna, Liahna, Lianna, Lina, Linna, Lonna, Lynah, Lynea and Lynnea. Other recommended sound-alike names are Auina, Avana, Ciana, Dana, Deana, Duana, Duayna, Dwana, Dyana, Edana, Elana, Evana, Giana, Ilana, Ivana, Jana, Joana, Juana, Keana, Kiana, Lada, Lane, Lata, Laurana, Lean, Leanda, Leann, Leanza, Leasa, Liane, Liann, Lucia, Luciana, Luisana, Luiza, Luvina, Luziana, Moana, Muna, Qiana, Rana, Roana, Ryana, Sana, Seana, Shana, Suzana, Teana, Tiana and Viana. These names tend to be less commonly used than Luana.
