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♀ Lyssa
What does Lyssa mean?
Lyssa as a name for girls has its roots in Old German, Greek, Hebrew, Latin and English, and the name Lyssa means "noble, exalted; rational; God is my oath; cheerful". Lyssa is a variant form of Alice (Old German). Lyssa is also a derivative of Alyssa (Greek). Lyssa is also used as a derivative of Elissa, a variation of Elizabeth (Hebrew), a form of Larissa (Latin), and a variant of Lissa (English).
VARIANTS Lyza, Lyssie, Lyssi, Lysa, Lusa, Lizzy, Lizzie▼, Lizy, Liza▼, Lissy, Lissie, Lissi, Lisa▼, Liesa, Leisa▼, Leeza, Leesa, Leasa
RELATIONS VIA ALICE, ALYSSA, ELISSA, ELIZABETH, LARISSA, LISSA Alisa▼, Alissa▼, Allyssa▼, Alysa▼, Alysia▼, Alyss, Alysse, Alyssia▼, Bess▼, Bessy, Elisa▲, Ellsa, Ellyssa, Elsa▼, Elysa, Elysia, Elyssa▼, Elysse, Elyssia, Helsa, Ilissa, Illyssa, Ilsa, Ilysa, Ilyssa, Ilysse, Larisa, Laryssa, Leese, Lerissa, Licha, Lies, Liese, Liesja, Lis, Lise, Lisel, Lisl, Lorissa, Lys, Lysbet, Lyse
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Lasa, ..
(male) Lysra, ..
Lyssa Carissa (L.C.), ..
How popular is Lyssa?
Lyssa is an unusual first name for females. Lyssa is also an unusual last name for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Lyssa was first listed in 1992 and reached its apex rank of #1811 in the U.S. then, but is not found in the list at the moment. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Alice (#71 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Alisa (#1032), Alissa (#1182), Allyssa, Alysa, Alysia, Alyssa (#150), Alysse, Alyssia, Bess, Elisa (#457), Elissa (#1261), Elizabeth (#13), Elsa (#888), Elysia, Elyssa, Larisa, Larissa (#1500), Leasa, Leesa, Leeza, Leisa, Lisa (#891), Lise, Lissa, Lissie, Liza (#1662) and Lizzie are the popular alternative forms of Lyssa. Other variants, like Lyza, are seldom used. Usage of these forms of Lyssa was at its most widespread 138 years ago (USAGE OF 3.75%) and is now significantly less (USAGE 0.96%, DOWN 74%). Elizabeth has historically been a favorite of parents, although Elisa seems to be gaining favor too, while versions like Alyssia used to be popular.
Similar Names
Lyssa is pronounced similarly to Lassey, Lassie, Lesy, Lesya, Lluisa, Louisa▼, Luisa▲ and Luiza. Other recommended sound-alike names are Anyssa, Assa, Ayisa, Bryssa, Dessa, Elssa, Jessa, Kryssa, Lesha, Lesia▼, Lisha, Lisia, Lusca, Lycia, Lyda▼, Lydia, Lygia, Lyla▲, Lyna, Lynda▼, Lynea, Lynessa, Lynna, Lyra▲, Lyria, Lyuba, Lyvia, Nessa, Nissa, Nysa, Nyssa, Odyssa, Orssa, Rysa, Tassa (see Tasha), Tessa▲, Tossa and Ulyssa. These names tend to be more commonly used than Lyssa.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]