Home > Madelon


What does Madelon mean?

Madelon Pronunciation of Madelon as a girls' name has its root in Hebrew, and the name Madelon means "woman from Magdala". Madelon is a version of Madeline (Hebrew): variant spelling of Madeleine.



VARIANTS Madilyn, Madelynne, Madelynn, Madelyne, Madelyn, Madelene, Madeleine, Madelayne, Madelaine, Madalynn, Madalyn, Madalene, Madaleine

OTHER FORMS VIA MADELINE Madalena, Maddelena, Madel, Madelena, Madelina, Madella, Madelle, Madena, Madlen, Madlin, Madlyn, Magdalen, Magdelina, Maidel, Marlen



Madelon Lizbeth (M.L.), ..

How popular is Madelon?

Madelon is an uncommon first name for females. Madelon is an equivalently rare surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Madelon was first listed in 1900-1909 and reached its top rank of #1221 in the U.S. during the years 1910-1919, but is not ranked currently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Madelon name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Madelon outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Prominent varying forms of Madelon are Madelyn (#72 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Madeline (#100), Madilyn (#328), Madeleine (#376), Madelynn (#487), Madalyn (#731), Madalynn (#911), Madalene, Madelaine, Madelene, Madelyne, Madlyn, Magdalen and Marlen. These relations of Madelon were at the height of their popularity in 2008 (AVERAGE #1141) and are somewhat less conventional today (#1267, 26%), with the version Marlen going out of style. Madilyn, Madelynn and Madelyn are three of the more fashionable girl names in this list.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Madelon, Madalene, Madalyn, Madalynn, Madelaine in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Madeleine, Madelene, Madeline, Madelyn, Madelyne in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Madelynn, Madilyn, Madlyn, Magdalen, Marlen in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Madeleine, Madeline, Madelyn outside U.S.

Similar Names

Suggested similar-sounding names are Addeson, Cameron, Carylon, Fallon, Kameron, Mabel, Mabelle, Macon, Maddison, Madeira, Madera, Madisen, Madison, Madisson, Madisyn, Madona, Madyson, Maegan, Maeko, Maelee, Maelle, Maelynn, Magdelena, Magdeline, Mahelia, Maison, Mandalin (see Mandoline), Mandalyn, Mandelin, Mandellin (see Mandoline), Mandellyn (see Mandoline), Mandolin, Mandolyn, Manon, Maralin, Maralyn, Marcelyn, Mareen, Marelda, Marell, Marella, Marelle, Marelyn, Maren, Marilin, Marilou, Marilyn, Marion, Marjon, Marlin, Marlo, Marlon, Marlow, Marlyn, Marrlen, Marrlin, Marvelyn, Marylin, Marylou, Marylyn, Maryon, Mason, Matelda, Maxeen, Meloni and Melony. These names tend to be more commonly used than Madelon.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
