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♀ Mahina
What does Mahina mean?
Mahina as a girls' name is pronounced mah-HEE-nah. It is of Hawaiian origin, and the meaning of Mahina is "moon, moon-light". The Hawaiian equivalent of Diana, goddess of the moon.
Mahina Freya (M.F.), ..
How popular is Mahina?
Mahina is an uncommon first name for females and also a rare surname for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Diana (#184 THE PREVIOUS YEAR) is the only prominent related form of Mahina (NOT RANKED) listed in the Top 2000. This form of Mahina was at the height of its popularity during the years 1950-1959 (USAGE OF 0.42%) and has become much less widespread since (USAGE 0.1%, DOWN 77.2%), with Diana becoming somewhat dated. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Carina, Darina, Davina▲, Faina, Gavina, Hasina, Jaina, Janina, Karina▼, Lacina, Laina, Madina, Madira, Madona, Mahra, Maida, Maiga, Makena, Malana, Malena, Malia▲, Malika▼, Malina, Mallina, Malvina▼, Manika, Manya, Marcina, Mareina, Marin, Marinda, Marine, Marinn, Marita, Marlina, Marna, Marnina, Martina, Marvina, Masina, Massina, Mavina, Maxina, Maxine▼, Mazhira, Medina, Meena, Mena, Mima, Minna▼, Moana, Mona▼, Monna, Mouna, Moyna, Muna, Nadina, Pamina, Pathina, Raina▲, Ravina, Sadina, Sahbina (see Sabina), Sarina, Satina, Tabina, Talina, Tarina, Tashina, Valina, Vanina, Varina, Wahnna, Yarina and Zahna. These names tend to be more commonly used than Mahina.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]