Home > Maire


What does Maire mean?

Maire Pronunciation of Maire as a girls' name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Maire is "star of the sea". Maire is an alternate form of Mare (Irish, Latin): variation of Mary. Maire is also a derivative of Mayra (Irish, Latin). See also Mairin, Maureen, Moira




VARIANTS Muire, Moire, Maure, Mair

RELATED FORMS VIA MARE, MARY, MAYRA Maira, Mairi, Mal, Malia, Mallie, Mame, Mamie, Manon, Manya, Mara, Maree, Maren, Maria, Mariam, Marian, Marice, Maridel, Marie, Mariel, Marilee, Marin, Marion, Marita, Marja, Marje, Marla, Marlo, Marya, Maryse, Masha, Maura, Maureen, Maurene, Maurine, Maurise, Mavra, May, Mayme, Maymie, Mayria, Mimi, Moira, Myra

(female) Mere, ..

(male) Maice, ..

Maire Magnolia (M.M.), ..

How popular is Maire?

Maire is a somewhat popular first name for women (#3308 out of 4276, Top 77%) and an even more popular surname for all people (#36129 out of 150436, Top 24%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Maira, Malia (#254 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Mallie, Mame, Mamie, Mara (#681), Maree, Maren (#607), Maria (#116), Mariam (#548), Marian (#1210), Marie (#576), Mariel, Marilee, Marin (#1382), Marion (#1605), Marita, Marla, Marlo (#1980), Mary (#126), Maura (#1576), Maureen, Maurine, May (#1645), Mayme, Maymie, Mayra (#1501), Mimi, Moira (#1606) and Myra (#491) are the prominent alternative forms of Maire (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). Other variants, like Mavra, are seldom used. These forms of Maire were favored 108 years ago (ADOPTION OF 8.3%) and are now significantly less common (ADOPTION 0.6%, 92.9%). Mary has been the most prevalent, though Maria is now the preferred form, while forms like Maira are now less popular. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Maira, Malia, Mallie, Mame, Mamie in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Mara, Maree, Maren, Maria, Mariam in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Marian, Marie, Mariel, Marilee, Marin in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Marion, Marita, Marla, Marlo, Mary in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Maura, Maureen, Maurine, May, Mayme in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Maymie, Mayra, Mimi, Moira, Myra in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Maria, Mariam, Mary outside U.S.

Similar Names

Recommended sound-alike names are Adaire, Blaire, Claire, Eire, Klaire, Laure, Loire, Mable, Macee, Macie, Madge, Madira, Madra, Mae, Maery, Maeve, Mahra, Mai, Maia, Maiah, Maible, Maicey, Maicy, Maida, Maidel, Maidie, Maiga, Maime, Mairead, Mairim, Maisa, Maisee, Maisey, Maisie, Maisy, Maiya, Maizie, Malke, Marg, Marge, Mari, Marike, Marine, Marise, Marne, Marra, Mart, Marte, Marve, Maude, Maurie, Mauve, Mave, Maxie, Maxime, Maxine, Mayde, Maye, Mazie, Mazine, Meira, Mike, Mira and Miri. These names tend to be less commonly used than Maire.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
