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♀ Malorey
What does Malorey mean?
Malorey as a girls' name is of Old French origin, and the name Malorey means "unlucky". Malorey is an alternate spelling of Mallory (Old French).
VARIANTS Malory, Malorie, Malori, Mallorie, Mallori, Mallorey, Malloreigh, Malloree, Mallery, Mallerey, Mallary
Malorey Karma (M.K.), ..
How popular is Malorey?
Malorey is an uncommonly occurring first name for women. Malorey is also an uncommon surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent varying forms of Malorey (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Mallorie, Mallory (#555 FROM RECENT DATA) and Malorie. Adoption of these forms of Malorey was at its most widespread in 2004 (MEDIAN #1061) and is now much diminished, with the version Mallory becoming less trendy. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Caley, Calley, Carey▼, Carrey, Clarey, Cloey, Corey▼, Dalores, Dorey, Glorey, Haley▼, Halley, Jorey, Kaley▼, Kalley, Khloey, Korey, Lorey, Macey▼, Madora, Magaley, Maggey, Maicey, Maire, Maisey, Majorca, Malaney, Malea, Malfie, Malke, Malkie, Mallie▼, Mallorca, Mally, Malvie, Marcey, Mare, Maree, Maren▲, Margerey, Margey, Margred, Margret▼, Margy, Marjey (see Margaret), Marjorey (see Margaret), Marjory▼, Marjy, Marley▲, Marlowe▲, Marney, Marsey, Marty, Mary▼, Maure, Maydey (see Maida), Mazey, Melaney, Melloney, Melodee, Melodey, Melody▲, Melony, Mildred▼, Molley, Raley, Salley, Salomey, Sarrey, Talley, Torey, Valarey, Valley, Vallorey and Valory. These names tend to be more commonly used than Malorey.