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♀ Margey
What does Margey mean?
Margey as a name for girls is of Greek derivation, and Margey means "pearl". Margey is a version of Margaret (Greek): a saint's name. Margey is also a derivative of Margery (French, Greek): form of Marjorie.
RELATED FORMS VIA MARGARET, MARGERY, MARJORIE Madge▼, Mag, Maggi, Maggie▼, Maggy, Maiga, Maisy, Marchery, Marg, Marga, Margalo, Marge, Marged, Margeen, Margeree, Margeret, Margerey, Margerie, Marget, Margette, Margi, Margie▼, Margies, Margit, Margita, Margize, Margo, Margot▲, Margred, Margret▼, Margrete, Margreth, Margrett, Margrid, Margrit, Margy, Marit, Marja, Marje, Marjery, Marjey, Marji, Marjie, Marjorey, Marjory▼, Marjy, Marketa, Markie, Meggy
Margey Kataleya (M.K.), ..
How popular is Margey?
Margey is an unusual first name for females. Margey is an equally uncommon surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Prominent alternative forms of Margey (NOT RANKED) ranked in the Top 2000 are Margaret (#127 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Maggie (#292), Margot (#358), Margo (#972), Marjorie (#1167), Maisy (#1342), Margrete, Marjory, Marjie, Margy, Margrett, Madge, Margret, Margie, Marget, Margery, Margeret, Marge and Markie. Other forms, like Marjorey, are uncommon. Adoption of these forms of Margey reached its apex in the 1910s (USAGE OF 3.21%) and is now much diminished (USAGE 0.29%, ▼90.8%), with forms like Margery becoming somewhat dated. Margaret is more ubiquitous than the rest, although Margot seems to be becoming a favorite too. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Margey is alike in pronunciation to Margaux. Other recommended sound-alike names are Barbey, Carey▼, Carley▼, Carrey, Darbey (see Darby), Darcey, Darsey, Harley▲, Karley, Macey▼, Maggey, Maguy, Maicey, Maisey, Marcee, Marcey, Marci▼, Marcia▼, Marcie▼, Marcy▼, Mare, Maree, Mareen, Mareesa, Maren▲, Marice, Marie▼, Marieke, Mariel▼, Marien, Mariet, Marika, Marike, Mariko, Maris, Marisa▼, Marise, Mariza, Marjo, Markee, Markia, Marlea, Marlee▲, Marlen▼, Marley▲, Marne, Marnee, Marney, Marqui, Marris, Marsee, Marseea, Marsey, Marsha▼, Marsia, Marte, Marthy, Marty, Marve, Marvel▼, Mary▼, Maryjo▼, Maryk, Maryka, Marys, Marysa, Maryse, Maydey (see Maida), Mazey, Mercey, Mercy▲, Mersey, Morgen and Sarrey. These names tend to be more commonly used than Margey.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]