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♀ Margrete
What does Margrete mean?
Margrete as a name for girls is a Greek name, and the name Margrete means "pearl". Margrete is a version of Margaret (Greek): a saint's name.
VARIANTS Margrit, Margrett, Margret▼
RELATIONS VIA MARGARET Marcheta, Margareta, Margarete, Margarethe, Margaretta, Margarette▼, Margarit, Margarita▼, Margarite, Margaruite, Marge, Marged, Margeen, Margeret, Margeretta, Margerie, Margerita, Margery▼, Marget, Margette, Margey, Marghretta, Margie▼, Margies, Margit, Margita, Margize, Margot▲, Margred, Margreth, Margrid, Marguarette, Marguerite▼, Marguita, Marketa
Margrete Camden (M.C.), ..
How popular is Margrete?
Margrete is an uncommon first name for females. Margrete is also a rare surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Margrete reached its highest rank of #1710 in the U.S. in the 1880s, but is not found in the list at the moment. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Margaret (#127 VIA LATEST LIST), Margot (#358), Margarita (#1881), Marcheta, Marget, Margrett, Margret, Margie, Margeret, Margery, Marge, Margarite, Margarette, Margaretta, Margarete and Marguerite are the prominent varying forms of Margrete ranked in the Top 2000. Other variants, like Marguita, are seldom used. Usage of these relations of Margrete was widespread in the 1910s (MEDIAN #955) and is now significantly reduced (#1786, DOWN 93%), with versions such as Margret going out of style. Margot is the most contemporarily stylish girl name in this list.
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Carree, Marcee, Marcele, Marcene, Marchery, Maree, Marette, Margarida, Margeree, Margerey, Margharita, Margherita, Margherite (see Marguerite), Marguarita, Marguerita, Margurite, Maribeth, Marieke, Mariet, Mariette, Marilee▼, Marilene, Marjerie (see Margery), Marjery, Marjorey (see Margaret), Marjorie▼, Markee, Markeeta, Marlee▲, Marleene, Marlele, Marlene▼, Marlette, Marnee, Marnette, Marqueta, Marsee, Marte, Marvele, Marybeth▼, Marylee, Maurene and Merree. These names tend to be more commonly used than Margrete.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]