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♀ Margreth
What does Margreth mean?
Margreth as a name for girls is of Greek origin, and the name Margreth means "pearl". Margreth is an alternate form of Margaret (Greek): a saint's name.
RELATIONS VIA MARGARET Marcheta, Margareta, Margarete, Margarethe, Margaretta, Margarette▼, Margarit, Margarita▼, Margarite, Marge, Marged, Margeen, Margeret, Margeretta, Margerita, Margery▼, Marget, Margette, Margey, Marghretta, Margie▼, Margies, Margit, Margita, Margot▲, Margred, Margret▼, Margrete, Margrett, Margrid, Margrit, Marguita, Marketa
Margreth Erin (M.E.), ..
How popular is Margreth?
Margreth is an uncommonly occurring first name for females. Margreth is an unusual surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Marcheta, Margaret (#127 FROM RECENT DATA), Margarete, Margaretta, Margarette, Margarita (#1881), Margarite, Marge, Margeret, Margery, Marget, Margie, Margot (#358), Margret, Margrete and Margrett are the prominent alternative forms of Margreth (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). These relations of Margreth reached the peak of their popularity in the 1910s (USAGE OF 2.5%) and have become much less popular since (USAGE 0.2%, ▼92.2%). Margaret is the clear favorite, though Margot has become popular as well over time, while versions such as Margie are now somewhat dated. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Corabeth, Hildreth, Janeth, Maighread, Maire, Marcee, Marcene, Marchery, Marcie▼, Mare, Maree, Mareena, Marell, Maretta, Marga, Margarida, Margaruite, Margeree, Margerey, Margerie, Margharita, Margherita, Margherite (see Marguerite), Margisia (see Margaret), Marguarette, Marguarita, Marguerita, Marguerite▼, Margurite, Maribeth, Maridel, Marie▼, Marieke, Mariel▼, Mariet, Marilena, Marilene, Marita, Marje, Marjery, Marjey (see Margaret), Marjie, Marjorey (see Margaret), Markeda, Markeeta, Markie, Markita, Marleah, Marlee▲, Marleena, Marleigh▲, Marleni, Marlette, Marlies, Marne, Marnee, Marnetta, Marnie▼, Marqueta, Marquetta, Marsee, Marsey, Marsita, Marth, Marthena, Martje, Martta, Marty, Marybel, Marybeth▼, Maureen▼, Mauresa (see Maureen), Meradith, Meridith and Sarabeth. These names tend to be more frequently used than Margreth.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]