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What does Margy mean?
Margy as a girls' name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of the name Margy is "pearl". Margy is an alternate form of Margaret (Greek): a saint's name. Margy is also a variation of Margery (French, Greek): form of Marjorie.
OTHER FORMS VIA MARGARET, MARGERY, MARJORIE Madge▼, Mag, Maggi, Maggie▼, Maggy, Maiga, Maisy, Marg, Marga, Margalo, Marge, Marged, Margeen, Margerey, Marget, Margey, Margies, Margit, Margita, Margize, Margo, Margot▲, Margred, Margret▼, Margrid, Margrit, Marit, Marja, Marje, Marjery, Marjey, Marji, Marjie, Marjory▼, Marjy, Markie, Meg, Meggi, Meggy, Peggy▼
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Marma, ..
(male) Marmi, ..
Margy Riya (M.R.), ..
How popular is Margy?
Margy is a somewhat prominent first name for women (#4130 out of 4276, Top 97%) but an uncommon surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Margy was first listed in 1920-1929 and reached its top rank of #1138 in the U.S. then, but is not listed currently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent alternative forms of Margy are Madge, Maggie (#292 FROM RECENT DATA), Maisy (#1342), Margaret (#127), Marge, Margery, Marget, Margie, Margo (#972), Margot (#358), Margret, Marjie, Marjorie (#1167), Marjory, Markie, Meg and Peggy. Other variants, like Margeen, are seldom used. These relations of Margy reached the top of their popularity a century ago (ADOPTION OF 3.4%) and have become significantly less widespread since (ADOPTION 0.3%, ▼91.4%). Margaret has generally been a favorite of parents, though Margot has grown popular as well, while forms such as Madge are now less popular.
Similar Names
Margy is pronounced similarly to Marsia and Mirja. Other recommended sound-alike names are Macey▼, Macy, Maddy, Mady, Maery, Maggey, Maguy, Maicy, Mally, Mandy▼, Mara▲, Marah, Maraya, Marcey, Marci▼, Marcy▼, Mare, Maree, Maren▲, Marfa, Mari, Maria▼, Marie▼, Marin, Maris, Marjo, Marla▼, Marley▲, Marlo, Marlyn▼, Marlys▼, Marna, Marne, Marney, Marni, Marnya, Marra, Marsey, Mart, Marta▼, Marte, Marth, Marthy, Marti, Marty, Marva▼, Marve, Mary▼, Marya, Maryk, Maryl, Maryn, Marys, Matty, Maxy, May▼, Mazey, Mercy▲, Merry▼, Vangy and Virgy. These names tend to be less frequently used than Margy.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]