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What does Marilla mean?
Marilla as a girls' name is pronounced ma-RILL-ah. The meaning of Marilla is "shining sea". Variant of Muriel. Marilis is a short form of Amaryllis. Also form of Mariel. Also form of Mary.
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA AMARYLLIS, MURIEL Merial, Meriel, Merrill, Murial, Muriella, Murielle
Marilla Theodora (M.T.), ..
How popular is Marilla?
Marilla is an uncommonly occurring first name for women but a somewhat prominent last name for all people (#140756 out of 150436, Top 94%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Marilla reached its peak rank of #1176 in the U.S. in the 1880s, but is not ranked currently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Popular varying forms of Marilla are Mary (#126 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Mariel, Merrill and Muriel. Other forms, like Muriella, are uncommon. Usage of these forms of Marilla reached its apex in the 1940s (ADOPTION OF 4.45%) and has become significantly less since (ADOPTION 0.14%, 97% LESS), with forms such as Muriel falling out of fashion.
Similar Names
Marilla is alike in pronunciation to Mariela▼, Mariella▲, Marilee▼, Marilou, Marilu, Marrilee, Marylea, Marylee, Marylou▼, Marylu, Merola, Mireilla, Mirella, Mirilla, Morela, Morella, Myrella, Myrilla and Myrrilla. Other recommended sound-alike names are Bazilla, Camilla▲, Carlla, Carmilla, Cyrilla, Darille, Gavrilla, Kamilla, Korilla, Madella, Mahalla, Marcila, Marcille, Marelda, Marelle, Maria▼, Marial, Maricela▼, Maricella, Maricia, Marielle, Marika, Marilda, Marilin, Marilisa, Marillyn, Marilyn▼, Marinda, Marisha, Mariska, Marita, Maritsa, Marivella, Mariza, Marlea, Marleah, Marlee▲, Marley▲, Marlie, Marsala, Marsiella, Martella, Maryl, Matilda▼, Mercilla, Merielle, Meryll, Milla, Mireille, Mirell, Mirelle, Mirielle, Pamilla, Radilla, Sirilla and Syrilla. These names tend to be more commonly used than Marilla.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]