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♀ Marita
What does Marita mean?
Marita as a name for girls is of Latin derivation, and the name Marita means "star of the sea". Marita is a variant form of Mari (Welsh, Latin): variant spelling of Mary.
VARIANTS Maurita, Marietta▼, Maretta
RELATIONS VIA MARI, MARY Mair, Maire, Malia▲, Mamie▼, Manya, Mara▲, Mare, Maree, Marella, Maren▲, Marette, Maria▼, Mariam▲, Marian▼, Mariana, Mariann, Marianna▲, Maribeth, Marice, Maridel, Marie▼, Mariel▼, Mariela▼, Mariella▲, Mariette, Marilee▼, Marilena, Marilin, Marilisa, Marilla, Marilou, Marilu, Marilyn▼, Marin, Marion▼, Mariquita, Mariska, Maritsa, Maritza▼, Marja, Marjan, Marje, Marla▼, Marlo, Marya, Maryjo▼, Marylu, Marysa, Maryse, Marysia, Masha, Maura, Maurine▼, Maurise, Maurizia, Mavra, Mayra▼, Mayria, Meriel, Miriam▼, Moira, Murial, Muriel▼
Marita Laken (M.L.), ..
How popular is Marita?
Marita is a very popular first name for women (#1532 out of 4276, Top 36%) but a unique last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Marita was first listed in 1910-1919 and reached its apex rank of #916 in the U.S. in the 1940s, but is not found in the list at the moment. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Popular alternative forms of Marita listed in the Top 2000 are Maria (#116 FROM RECENT DATA), Mary (#126), Malia (#254), Mariana (#286), Miriam (#303), Mariam (#548), Marie (#576), Maren (#607), Marilyn (#610), Mara (#681), Marianna (#834), Marian (#1210), Mariella (#1269), Marin (#1382), Mayra (#1501), Mariela (#1547), Maura (#1576), Marion (#1605), Moira (#1606), Maritza (#1682), Mari (#1861), Marlo (#1980), Maurine, Maryjo, Marla, Marilee, Mariska, Marilou, Marilla, Mamie, Mariette, Marietta, Mariel, Maribeth, Mariann, Maree and Muriel. Adoption of these forms of Marita was widespread among parents during the years 1920-1929 (AVERAGE #1303) and has become significantly lower since (#1425, 91% LESS USAGE), with versions such as Marla becoming somewhat dated. Mary has been the most popular choice, although Maren seems to be gaining favor too.
Similar Names
Marita is alike in pronunciation to Maryetta. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Babita, Barta, Brita, Carina, Carisa, Carita, Caritta, Carlita, Clarita, Damita, Danita▼, Farica, Hanita, Janita, Karisa, Karlita, Larina, Laurita, Lorita, Mahina, Maia▲, Maida, Malina, Malita, Malitia, Malitta, Manika, Marcia▼, Marcila, Mareina, Marfa, Marga, Margita, Marguita, Marial, Maricia, Marien, Marika, Marina, Marinna, Maris, Marisa▼, Marketa, Marlea, Marlina, Marna, Marnia, Marnina, Marsha▼, Marsia, Marsita, Mart, Marta▼, Marth, Martha▼, Marthe, Martia, Martie, Martina, Martita, Marty, Marvina, Mata, Maurisa, Maxima, Mirta, Moria, Morisa, Perita, Saria, Tarina, Verita, Zaria▲ and Zarina. These names tend to be less commonly used than Marita.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]