Home > Marje


What does Marje mean?

Marje Pronunciation of Marje as a girls' name has its root in Latin, and the meaning of the name Marje is "pearl; star of the sea". Marje is an alternate form of Margery (French, Greek): variation of Marjorie. Marje is also a form of Mary (Latin).





RELATED FORMS VIA MARGERY, MARJORIE, MARY Mair, Maire, Mal, Malia, Mallie, Mame, Mamie, Manon, Manya, Mara, Marabel, Mare, Maree, Marelle, Maren, Marette, Margey, Margi, Margie, Margy, Maria, Mariam, Marian, Marice, Maridel, Marie, Mariel, Mariela, Marilee, Marin, Marion, Marita, Marja, Marjan, Marjerie, Marjery, Marji, Marjie, Marjorey, Marjori, Marjory, Marjy, Marla, Marlo, Marya, Marybel, Maryjo, Marylee, Marylu, Marysa, Maryse, Masha, Maura, Maure, Maureen, Maurene, Maurine, Maurise, Mavra, May, Mayme, Maymie, Mayra, Mayria, Meriel, Moire, Morag, Muire, Muriel

(female) Malje, ..

(male) Marke, ..

Marje Beverly (M.B.), ..

How popular is Marje?

Marje is a rare given name for women. Marje is a unique last name too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Maria (#116 FROM RECENT DATA), Mary (#126), Malia (#254), Mariam (#548), Marie (#576), Maren (#607), Mara (#681), Marjorie (#1167), Marian (#1210), Marin (#1382), Mayra (#1501), Mariela (#1547), Maura (#1576), Marion (#1605), May (#1645), Marlo (#1980), Margy, Maymie, Mayme, Maurine, Maureen, Marylee, Maryjo, Mame, Marjory, Marla, Margie, Mamie, Marjie, Marita, Mallie, Marilee, Mariel, Maree, Marge, Margery and Muriel are the popular variation forms of Marje (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). Other forms, like Maure, are uncommon. Usage of these forms of Marje reached its highest during the years 1920-1929 (MEDIAN #1089) and has become significantly less since (#1581, 94%), with versions such as Mariela falling out of fashion. Malia, Maren, Mariam and Mara are four of the more contemporarily stylish names for newborns here. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Malia, Mallie, Mame, Mamie, Mara in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Maree, Maren, Marge, Margery, Margie in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Margy, Maria, Mariam, Marian, Marie in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Mariel, Mariela, Marilee, Marin, Marion in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Marita, Marjie, Marjorie, Marjory, Marla in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Marlo, Mary, Maryjo, Marylee, Maura in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Maureen, Maurine, May, Mayme, Maymie in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Mayra, Muriel in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Maria, Mariam, Mary outside U.S.

Similar Names

Recommended sound-alike names are Marcee, Marcey, Marci, Marcie, Marcy, Marg, Marga, Margo, Marijke, Marike, Maris, Marise, Marjey (see Margaret), Marjo, Markee, Markie, Marne, Marsee, Marsey, Marte, Martje, Marve, Maryk, Marys and Mirja. These names tend to be more frequently used than Marje.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
