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♀ Marleah
What does Marleah mean?
Marleah as a girls' name is of Hebrew derivation, and Marleah means "woman from Magdala". Marleah is an alternate form of Madeline (Hebrew): respelling of Madeleine.
RELATED FORMS VIA MADELINE Madlen, Mala, Malena, Marleen, Marlen▼, Marlena▼, Marlene▼, Marline, Marlyne
Marleah Crystal (M.C.), ..
How popular is Marleah?
Marleah is an uncommon first name for females. Marleah is also a rare surname for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent varying forms of Marleah (NOT RANKED) are Madeline (#100 LAST YEAR), Marlene (#1383), Malena, Marleen, Marlen, Marlena and Marline. Other forms, like Marlyne, are uncommon. These forms of Marleah were favored as birth names 9 decades ago (MEDIAN #1252) and are now significantly less popular (#1640, 58% LESS USAGE). (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Marleah is alike in pronunciation to Marla▼, Marlea, Marlee▲, Marleigh▲, Marley▲, Marlie, Marlo, Marlow, Marlowe▲, Merla, Mirla and Myrla. Other recommended sound-alike names are Carlah, Carleah, Harlea, Jaeleah, Kaleah, Karlah, Malcah, Malea, Maleah▲, Malkah, Marah, Marell, Marella, Mariah▼, Marial, Mariel▼, Mariela▼, Marilee▼, Marilla, Marlele, Marleni, Marlenn (see Marlin), Marylea, Marylee, Merle▼, Murle, Myrle and Taleah. These names tend to be more frequently used than Marleah.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]