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♀ Marlene
What does Marlene mean?
Marlene ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced mar-LEEN, mar-LYNE, mar-LAY-nah. It is of German, Latin and Greek origin, and the meaning of Marlene is "star of the sea; from Magdala". Blend of the names Maria and Magdalene, to honor the Christian Biblical figure Mary Magdalene. Marlene Dietrich made the name familiar in the 1920s. Some contemporary names are spelled phonetically to ensure the desired pronunciation. Actresses Marlee Matlin, Marley Shelton. Also form of Madeline.
VARIANTS Marla▼, Marlaina, Marlana, Marlane, Marlayna, Marlayne, Marlea, Marlee▲, Marleen, Marleena, Marleene, Marleina, Marlen▼, Marlena▼, Marleni, Marley▲, Marlie, Marlin, Marlina, Marline, Marlyn▼, Marlynne, Marna
SEE ALSO Arlene, Jolene, Lena, Marlo
OTHER FORMS VIA MAGDALENE, MARIA, MARLEE, MARLEY Maree, Marialena, Marie▼, Marieanne, Marielena, Mariette, Marleigh▲
Marlene Alicia (M.A.), ..
How popular is Marlene?
Marlene is a very popular first name for women (#240 out of 4276, Top 6%) but a rare surname for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Marlene entered the list in 1910-1919 and reached its top position of #58 in the U.S. in the 1930s, and is currently at #1383. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent related forms of Marlene (#1383 VIA LATEST LIST) are Madeline (#100), Maria (#116), Marley (#221), Lena (#301), Jolene (#455), Marlee (#482), Marie (#576), Marleigh (#940), Marlie (#1494), Magdalene (#1694), Arlene (#1787), Marlo (#1980), Marlena, Marlyn, Marline, Marlane, Marlen, Marleen, Marlana, Marla, Mariette, Marielena, Maree and Marna. Other variants, like Marieanne, are seldom used. These relations of Marlene were popular as baby names 118 years ago (USAGE OF 2.03%) and are now significantly less popular (USAGE 0.64%, 68.4% LESS), with versions like Marie becoming somewhat outmoded. Jolene, Marleigh, Marlee and Marley are four of the more fashionable names for newborns among these.
Similar Names
Marlene▼ is alike in pronunciation to Marlenn, Marlenne, Marlinn, Marlon, Marlyne, Marlynn, Marrlen, Marrlin, Merline, Merlyn, Myrleen, Myrlene and Myrline. Other recommended sound-alike names are Cailene, Charlene▼, Corlene, Darleane, Darlena, Darline, Darlyne, Darylene, Earline▼, Erlene, Gaylene, Harlee▲, Harlene, Jaylene▲, Kaelene, Kalene▼, Karene, Karlee, Karlen, Karlene, Karline, Karlyne, Kaylene▼, Laraene, Lurlene, Madalene, Madelene, Maelee, Marcele, Marcena, Marceyne (see Marcene), Mareen, Mareena, Marelyn, Marena, Mariane, Marieke, Marilena, Marilin, Marilyn▼, Marilynn▼, Marilynne, Markee, Marlele, Marlette, Marlyse, Marne, Marnee, Marsee, Martine, Marylin, Marylyn, Maurene, Maylene, Melene, Mylene, Myrene, Raelene, Raylene, Sharlene▼, Starlene and Talene. These names tend to be less frequently used than Marlene.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]