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♀ Marylee
What does Marylee mean?
Marylee as a name for girls has its roots in Latin and Old English, and Marylee means "star of the sea; joyful". Marylee is an alternate spelling of Mary (Latin). Marylee is also a derivative of Merry (Old English).
ASSOCIATED WITH old english, star, sea, joyful
VARIANTS Merrily, Merrili, Merrilee, Marylu, Marylou▼, Marylea, Marrilee, Marilee▼, Mariella▲, Mariela▼, Marella
RELATIONS VIA MARY, MERRY Mallie▼, Marabel, Mare, Maree, Marelle, Maren▲, Marette, Marice, Maridel, Marie▼, Mariel▼, Marielle, Marilin, Marilla, Marilyn▼, Marje, Marla▼, Marlo, Marya, Maryann▼, Maryanne▼, Marybel, Marybell, Marybeth▼, Maryjo▼, Marylin, Marysa, Maryse, Marysia, Mayme▼, Maymie, Merree
Marylee Hadleigh (M.H.), ..
How popular is Marylee?
Marylee is a very popular first name for women (#1974 out of 4276, Top 46%) but a unique last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Marylee was first listed in 1900-1909 and reached its highest position of #923 in the U.S. in the 1940s, but is not in the Top 1000 at the moment. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Popular variation forms of Marylee rated in the Top 2000 are Mary (#126 A YEAR AGO), Marie (#576), Maren (#607), Marilyn (#610), Mariella (#1269), Mariela (#1547), Marielle (#1772), Maryann (#1934), Marlo (#1980), Merrily, Merrilee, Maymie, Mayme, Marylou, Marylin, Mallie, Maryjo, Marybeth, Maryanne, Maree, Marla, Marilla, Marilee, Mariel and Merry. These relations of Marylee reached the height of their popularity during 1940-1949 (ADOPTION OF 5.7%) and have become much less conventional since (ADOPTION 0.3%, ▼95.4%). Mary is more familiar than the rest, although Maren seems to be becoming a favorite too, while versions like Marilyn used to be popular.
Similar Names
Marylee is pronounced similarly to Marilou and Marilu. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Baylee, Brylee, Caralee, Carlee, Carolee, Caryle, Caylee▼, Darylene, Harlee▲, Haylee▼, Jaylee, Karalee, Karlee, Kaylee, Maelee, Mahalee, Marcee, Marcilee, Marell, Marilene, Markee, Marlea, Marleah, Marlee▲, Marleen, Marlele, Marlen▼, Marlene▼, Marley▲, Marlie, Marlow, Marlowe▲, Marnee, Marrlen, Marsee, Maryl, Marylyn, Mayleen, Maylene, Merle▼, Meryl, Meryle, Meryll, Mirelle, Murle, Myrelle, Myrle and Saralee. These names tend to be less frequently used than Marylee.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]