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♀ Mata (girl)
What does Mata mean?
Mata as a girls' name (also used as boys' name Mata) is an Aramaic name, and the name Mata means "lady; mistress of the house". Mata is an alternate form of Martha (Aramaic).
ASSOCIATED WITH lady (noble)
RELATED FORMS VIA MARTHA Maarva, Marfa, Marhta, Marit, Mart, Marta▼, Marte, Marth, Marthe, Marthy, Marti, Martie, Martina, Martita, Martje, Martta, Marty, Marva▼, Matha, Mirtha, Pat▼
Mata Quincy (M.Q.), ..
How popular is Mata?
Mata is a rare given name for women but a very popular surname for all people (#907 out of 150436, Top 1%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Mata reached its highest position of #1537 in the U.S. in the 1890s, but is not found in the list at the moment. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent alternative forms of Mata are Martha (#797 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Mattie (#1057), Martina (#1377), Marta, Marti, Martie, Marty, Marva and Pat. Other variants, like Matti, are seldom used. These relations of Mata were favored as birth names in the 1880s (USAGE OF 1.82%) and have become much less widespread since (USAGE 0.04%, ▼98%), with forms like Mattie going out of style.
Similar Names
Mata is pronounced similarly to Mattea, Mattia, Matty, Meta▼ and Meyta. Other recommended sound-alike names are Agata, Barta, Grata, Ita, Kata, Lata, Leta▼, Maaja, Mab, Maci, Mada, Madra, Mady, Mae▼, Mahra, Maia▲, Maida, Mair, Maisa, Maiya, Maj, Maja, Mal, Mala, Malea, Mali, Malia▲, Malva, Manya, Mara▲, Marah, Marg, Marga, Mari, Maria▼, Marita, Marja, Martia, Mary▼, Mat, Mathea, Mathia, Maud▼, Max, Maya▲, Mayah, Mayda, Meda▼, Mia▲, Mika▲, Mina, Minta▼, Mira▲, Mirta, Mitra, Miya▲, Moana, Moja, Mora, Myla▲, Myra, Nata, Neta, Reta▼, Rita▼, Ruta, Santa, Tita, Tyta and Uta. These names tend to be more commonly used than Mata.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]