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♀ Maye
What does Maye mean?
Maye ▼ as a girls' name has its root in English, and the meaning of Maye is "the fifth month". Maye is an alternate spelling of May (English).
VARIANTS Mei, Maya▲, Maia▲, Mae▼
RELATIONS VIA MAY Maelee, Maj, Mala, Mayana, Mayleen, Maylene
Maye Zariyah (M.Z.), ..
How popular is Maye?
Maye is a somewhat popular first name for females (#2778 out of 4276, Top 65%) and an even more popular surname for both adults and children (#7642 out of 150436, Top 5%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Maye reached its apex rank of #582 in the U.S. in the 1880s, but is not found in the list at the moment. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Mae (#554 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Maia (#502), May (#1645) and Maya (#61) are the prominent alternative forms of Maye. Usage of these relations of Maye reached its peak a century ago (MEDIAN #941) and is now significantly less (#952, ▼65%), with forms like Mae becoming less in vogue. Maia and Maya are two of the more trendy baby names here.
Similar Names
Maye▼ is pronounced similarly to Mai▼, Maiah, Maiya, Maiyah, Mayah, Mea, Meya, Mia▲, Miah▲, Miya▲, Mo, Moia, Moya and Mya. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Agye, Amye, Caye, Faye▼, Gaye▼, Jaye, Kacye, Kaye▼, Mab, Maci, Macy, Mada, Mady, Maeve▲, Mag, Maime, Maja, Maji, Mal, Malea, Mali, Mame▼, Mamie▼, Mare, Maren▲, Marie▼, Marje, Marne, Mart, Marve, Marya, Maryk, Maryl, Maryn, Marys, Maryse, Mat, Mata, Maude▼, Maure, Mauve, Mave, Max, Maxi, Maxie▼, Maxy, Maybel, Mayble, Mayda, Mayde, Maydey (see Maida), Mayme▼, Maymie, Maysen, Mazey, Meade, Meave, Mike, Mone, Raye and Skye▲. These names tend to be less commonly used than Maye.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]