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♀ Mea
What does Mea mean?
Mea as a girls' name is a variant form of Mia (Israeli, Latin, Scandinavian): in Israeli, feminine contraction of Michal.
Mea Kathryn (M.K.), ..
How popular is Mea?
Mea is an uncommon first name for women but a somewhat popular last name for both adults and children (#84310 out of 150436, Top 56%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Mea was first listed in 2005 and reached its highest rank of #1760 in the U.S. then, but is not in the list at the moment. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Mia (#7 FROM CURRENT RECORDS) and Miah (#819) are the popular varying forms of Mea. These forms of Mea were popular with parents a decade ago (USAGE OF 0.8%) and have remained as popular to this day (USAGE 0.8%, ▼1.3%). Mia and Miah are two of the more trendy baby names among these.
Similar Names
Mea is pronounced similarly to Mae▼, Mai▼, Maia▲, Maiah, Maiya, May▼, Maya▲, Mayah, Maye▼, Mei, Meya, Mia▲, Miah▲, Miya▲, Mo, Moia, Moya and Mya. Other recommended sound-alike names are Bea, Dea, Lea▲, Mead, Meda▼, Meg, Mel, Mela, Mena, Mera, Mesa, Meta▼, Nea, Rea, Tea▼ and Zea. These names tend to be more commonly used than Mea.