Home > Melina


What does Melina mean?

Melina Pronunciation of Melina as a girls' name is pronounced ma-LEEN-ah. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Melina is "honey". Mostly 18th century use. Actress Melina Mercouri. Also form of Carmel. Also form of Melinda.


ASSOCIATED WITH greek, honey (beautiful), 18th century


VARIANTS Malina, Mallina, Meleana, Meleena, Melene, Melibella, Melibelle, Mellina



Melina Natasha (M.N.), ..

How popular is Melina?

Melina is a very popular first name for women (#1601 out of 4276, Top 37%) and also a very popular last name for all people (#66274 out of 150436, Top 44%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Melina reached its peak position of #456 in the U.S. in the year 2009, and is currently at #630. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Melina name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Melina outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Malina (#1644 LAST YEAR), Melinda (#1783) and Carmel are the popular varying forms of Melina (#630). These relations of Melina were popular as baby names 48 years ago (AVERAGE #1255) and have become much less conventional since (#1514, 82.8%), with forms such as Carmel becoming somewhat outmoded. Melina is the most chic birth name in this compilation.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Melina, Carmel, Malina, Melinda in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Melina outside U.S.

Similar Names

Melina is pronounced similarly to Malana, Malena, Melaina, Melainey, Melana, Melanee, Melaney, Melani, Melania, Melanie, Melaniya, Melany, Mellony, Meloni, Melonie, Melony, Milana, Mileena, Milena, Miliana and Miliani. Other recommended sound-alike names are Alina, Allina, Bellina, Celina, Celinda, Celinna, Colina, Delaina, Delfina, Deliza, Devina, Ellina, Evelina, Ewelina, Felina, Gelila, Gemina, Helena, Helima, Helmina, Jelena, Jolina, Kellina, Kenina, Kolina, Leina, Levina, Marina, Media, Medina, Meelia, Melba, Melesa, Melisa, Mellba, Mellinda, Mellisa, Melusina, Mercina, Merna, Merona, Moina, Neina, Odelina, Pelia, Pelipa, Penina, Polina, Salina, Selina, Selinda, Yerina, Zelima and Zerlina. These names tend to be less frequently used than Melina.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
