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What does Melva mean?
Melva ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced MEL-vah. It is of English origin. Variant of Melvina (Celtic) "chieftain", which is also a variant of Malvina. Also form of Malva. Also form of Melba.
VARIANTS Malvina▼, Melva▼, Melvena, Melvina▼
RELATIONS VIA MALVINA Mal, Malva, Malvie, Mel, Melvie, Melvine
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Melma, ..
(male) Melmo, ..
Melva Arya (M.A.), ..
How popular is Melva?
Melva is a very prominent first name for women (#851 out of 4276, Top 20%) but an uncommon surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Melva reached its highest rank of #398 in the U.S. in the 1930s, but is not in the Top 1000 currently. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Melva listed in the Top 2000 are Malva, Malvina, Melba and Melvina. Other forms, like Malvie, are uncommon. Usage of these forms of Melva reached its most widespread in the 1920s (USAGE OF 0.11%), but now, forms like Melvina have become less fashionable.
Similar Names
Melva▼ is alike in pronunciation to Malva, Malvie and Melvie. Other recommended sound-alike names are Alva▼, Bellva, Belva▼, Deva, Eeva, Elva▼, Keeva, Keva, Mala, Malea, Malia▲, Malka▲, Marva▼, Mea, Meara, Meave, Mecca, Meda▼, Medea, Media, Meeca, Meeka, Meelia, Meena, Meera▲, Meica, Meira, Mekea, Mel, Mela, Melana, Melba▼, Melesa, Melia, Melida, Melina▲, Melisa▼, Melita, Meliza, Mella, Mellba, Melli, Melly, Melosa, Melya, Melyta, Mena, Mera, Merla, Merna, Mesa, Meta▼, Meya, Meyta, Mila▲, Milka, Milla, Myla▲, Neiva, Neva▼, Olva, Reeva, Reva▼, Silva, Sylva, Ulva, Veeva, Yeva and Zeeva. These names tend to be less frequently used than Melva.