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♀ Melynda
What does Melynda mean?
Melynda as a girls' name is a Latin name, and Melynda means "sweet". Melynda is a version of Melinda (Latin).
ASSOCIATED WITH sweet (beautiful)
VARIANTS Mellinda, Malynda, Malinda▼
RELATIONS VIA MELINDA Lynda▼, Malina, Malinde, Melina▲, Melinde, Meline
Melynda Lorelai (M.L.), ..
How popular is Melynda?
Melynda is a somewhat popular first name for females (#2714 out of 4276, Top 63%) but a unique last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Melynda entered the list in 1960-1969 and reached its highest position of #1297 in the U.S. in the 1970s, but is not found in the list currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Melina (#630 A YEAR AGO), Malina (#1644), Melinda (#1783), Lynda and Malinda are the popular related forms of Melynda. Usage of these forms of Melynda was at its highest 6 decades ago (MEDIAN #954) and has become much lower since (#1676, DOWN 86.4%), with forms such as Lynda falling out of fashion. Melina is the most chic name for newborns here.
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Adelinda, Alyda, Belenda, Belinda▼, Bellynda (see Belinda), Belynda, Calinda, Calynda, Celinda, Celyna, Cynda, Delinda, Demanda, Derinda, Elinda, Glenda▼, Glynda, Iolanda, Jolanda, Kalynda, Kelda, Kellda (see Kelda), Kenda, Leanda, Lenda, Malana, Malena, Manda▼, Maranda▼, Marinda, Medina, Meena, Meirna, Melana, Melaney, Melania▲, Melantha, Melany, Meleana, Meleena, Melessa, Melicia, Melida, Meliora, Melisha, Melissa▼, Melitia, Melitta, Meliza, Mellisa▼, Melodi, Melodia, Melonie, Melony, Melvena, Melya, Melysande, Melyta, Mena, Meranda▼, Merlyn, Meyta, Milana▲, Moyna, Odelinda, Olynda, Orlanda, Rozelynda, Selinda, Selyna, Velda▼, Velinda, Welda, Yolonda and Zelda▲. These names tend to be less commonly used than Melynda.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]