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What does Mera mean?
Mera as a name for girls is an Arabic name, and the name Mera means "princess; treetop, proverb, or sheaf of corn". Mera is an alternate spelling of Almera (Arabic): feminine of Elmer. Mera is also a form of Amira (Arabic, Hebrew). Mera is also used as a variant of Elmira (Arabic).
VARIANTS Myrah, Myra, Mirah, Mira▲, Merah, Meerah, Meera▲
RELATIONS VIA ALMERA, AMIRA, ELMIRA Ameera, Amera, Amerah, Amyra, Elmera
Mera Shayla (M.S.), ..
How popular is Mera?
Mera is an uncommonly occurring first name for females but a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#16635 out of 150436, Top 11%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent related forms of Mera (UNLISTED) are Ameera (#1369 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Amira (#315), Amyra (#1336), Elmira, Meera (#1219), Mira (#465) and Myra (#491). Usage of these relations of Mera was more pronounced in 2018 (ADOPTION OF 0.17%), except for the form Elmira which has become less stylish. Amira, Meera and Mira are three of the more contemporarily stylish baby names in this list. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Mera is pronounced similarly to Maery, Maira▼, Mairi, Mara▲, Maraya, Maree, Mari, Maria▼, Mariah▼, Marra, Marya, Mayra▼, Meara, Merrie, Mireya, Miri, Mirra, Moira, Mora, Morah, Moraia, Moria, Moyra, Myree and Myriah. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Bera, Cera, Deora, Hera, Ira, Kera, Kiera▼, Kora▲, Lara, Maeja, Mare, Marja, Marna, Marta▼, Mea, Mecca, Meda▼, Medea, Meg, Meica, Mela, Melba▼, Melia, Mella, Melva▼, Mena, Meral, Merl, Merla, Merna, Mesa, Meta▼, Meya, Mia▲, Mitra, Moja, Moya, Muna, Mya, Myka, Nera, Ofra, Pera, Rora, Sebra, Sera, Teara, Tera▼, Vera▼ and Zora. These names tend to be more frequently used than Mera.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]