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♀ Meya
What does Meya mean?
Meya as a name for girls is a variant form of Mia (Israeli, Latin, Scandinavian): in Israeli, feminine nickname of Michal.
Meya Donna (M.D.), ..
How popular is Meya?
Meya is an uncommonly occurring first name for women. Meya is an equally uncommon last name for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Mea, Mia (#7 IN RECENT RANKINGS) and Miah (#819) are the popular alternative forms of Meya (NOT IN TOP 2000) ranked in the Top 2000. Adoption of these relations of Meya reached its peak 5 years ago (USAGE OF 0.8%) and has remained as widespread to this day (USAGE 0.8%, DOWN 1.3%). Mia is more widely used than the rest, though Miah has grown trendy as well. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Meya is alike in pronunciation to Mae▼, Mai▼, Maia▲, Maiah, Maiya, Maiyah, May▼, Maya▲, Mayah, Maye▼, Mea, Mei, Mia▲, Miah▲, Miya▲, Mo, Moia, Moya and Mya. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aenya, Alya, Anya, Arya▲, Asya, Aya▲, Cesya, Daya, Delya, Fenya, Freya▲, Haya, Inya, Jaya, Joya, Kaeya, Kaya, Kenya, Lesya, Lexya, Leya, Maja, Mala, Manya, Mata, Mayda, Mayra▼, Mead, Meara, Mecca, Meda▼, Meeca, Meena, Megan▼, Meica, Mekea, Mela, Melya, Melyta, Mena, Mera, Merah, Meryam, Mesa, Meta▼, Meyta, Mika▲, Mima, Mireya, Mona▼, Moyra, Nya▼, Orya, Reya, Taya and Zoya▲. These names tend to be more frequently used than Meya.