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♀ Miah
What does Miah mean?
Miah ▲ as a girls' name is an alternate spelling of Maya (Spanish, Hindi, Russian): in Spanish, diminutive of Amalia. Miah is also a derivative of Mia (Israeli, Latin, Scandinavian): in Latin and Scandinavian.
VARIANTS Mya, Miya▲, Meya, Mea, Maiya, Maia▲
Miah Miley (M.M.), ..
How popular is Miah?
Miah is a rare given name for females but a very popular surname for both adults and children (#19136 out of 150436, Top 13%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Miah was first listed in 1996 and reached its apex position of #587 in the U.S. in 2013, and is at #819 currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Miah (#819 VIA LATEST LIST) are Maia (#502), Maiya (#1681), Maya (#61), Mea, Mia (#7), Miya (#1129) and Mya (#197). Adoption of these forms of Miah was well-received in 2013 (AVERAGE #741) and has remained as widespread to this day (#799, DOWN 4.4%). Mia has been the most well-known version, though Maya has become trendy as well.
Similar Names
Miah▲ is pronounced similarly to Mae▼, Mai▼, Maia▲, Maiah, Maiya, Maiyah, May▼, Maya▲, Mayah, Maye▼, Mea, Mei, Meya, Mia▲, Miya▲, Mo, Moia, Moya and Mya. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Adah▼, Adiah, Aidah, Ainah, Alah, Amiah, Aviah, Beah, Binah, Eilah, Elah, Evah, Gilah, Kiah, Kibah, Kivah, Lilah▲, Linah, Mab, Mag, Maj, Mal, Marah, Mariah▼, Mat, Max, Mead, Merah, Mica, Micah▲, Mical, Michi, Mika▲, Mike, Miki, Mila▲, Mim, Mima, Mimi, Min, Mina, Mira▲, Mirah, Miran, Miri, Monah, Morah, Moriah, Mykah, Myrah, Myriah, Niah, Nyah▼, Rivah, Tinah and Unah. These names tend to be more commonly used than Miah.