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♀ Michaela
What does Michaela mean?
Michaela ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced mih-KAY-lah. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Michaela is "who is like God?". Latin feminine form of Michael. Kayla is a popular derivative of this name. Actress Michael Learned.
ASSOCIATED WITH learned (wisdom)
VARIANTS Kayla▼, Macaela, Mackayla, Makayla▼, Makyla, Mckayla▼, Mechaela, Meeskaela, Mekea, Micaela, Micaiah, Michal, Michael▼, Michaele, Michaelina, Michaeline, Michaella, Michaila, Michalin, Michayla, Michele▼, Michelina, Micheline, Michelle▼, Mickee, Mickey, Micki, Mickie, Micky, Miguela, Miguelina, Miguelita, Mihaela, Mahalya, Mihaila, Mihalia, Mihaliya, Mikaela, Mikayla▼, Mike, Mikella, Mikelle, Mikhaila, Mikhayla, Mikki, Mikyla, Mischaela, Mishaila, Miskaela, Mychaela, Mykala, Mykela
SEE ALSO Calla, Cayla, Miki, Shayla
Michaela Aylah (M.A.), ..
How popular is Michaela?
Michaela is a very popular first name for females (#1052 out of 4276, Top 25%) and a slightly less popular surname for both adults and children (#84631 out of 150436, Top 56%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Michaela entered the list in 1940-1949 and reached its peak position of #100 in the U.S. in the year 1997, and is currently at #529. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Kayla (#149 IN 2018), Makayla (#232), Michelle (#263), Mikayla (#428), Mikaela (#678), Shayla (#1118), Micaela (#1138), Mckayla (#1315), Calla (#1686), Michaeline, Michaella, Cayla, Michayla, Michele, Michelina, Michaele, Mickey, Micki, Mickie, Michael, Makyla, Mikki, Mykala and Michal are the prominent alternative forms of Michaela (#529). Adoption of these forms of Michaela reached its apex in 1998 (ADOPTION OF 1.99%) and has become significantly diminished since (ADOPTION 0.41%, DOWN 79%).
Similar Names
Michaela▼ is pronounced similarly to Michala, Michela and Miquela. Other recommended sound-alike names are M'chelle, M'shell (see Michelle), Machelle, Mahala▼, Mahalla, Mechelle, Meshella, Mical, Michaelyn, Michee, Michell▼, Michella, Micole, Migdalla (see Migdalia), Mishaelle, Mishelle, Mohala, Mychal, Mychele, Mychelle, Myshell, Myshella, Nichele, Nichola, Rachael▼, Raphaela, Rephaela (see Raphaela), Richanda, Richarda, Richel, Richela, Richele, Richella and Shaela. These names tend to be less commonly used than Michaela.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]