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♀ Mirabel
What does Mirabel mean?
Mirabel as a girls' name is pronounced MEER-a-bel. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Mirabel is "wonderful". Used as a man's name in the past.
ASSOCIATED WITH wonderful (good)
VARIANTS Meribel, Meribelle, Mira▲, Mirabell, Mirabella, Mirabelle
Mirabel Aryanna (M.A.), ..
How popular is Mirabel?
Mirabel is an uncommon first name for women but a somewhat popular surname for both adults and children (#123314 out of 150436, Top 82%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Mirabel (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Mira (#465 LAST YEAR) and Mirabelle. These forms of Mirabel are at the peak of their popularity today (MEDIAN #1232). Mira is more ubiquitous than the rest. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Mirabel is alike in pronunciation to Marabel, Marabelle, Maribel▼, Maribell, Marybel and Marybell. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Amabel, Anabel, Annabel, Arabel, Barbel, Carabel, Clarabel, Corabel, Isabel, Izabel, Jezabel, Lisabel, Mabel▼, Madel, Maricel, Maridel, Mariel▼, Marisabel, Marivel, Marvel▼, Maybel, Mehitabel, Meral, Merel, Meridel, Meriel, Micaela, Mical, Michael▼, Mihaela, Mikaela, Mirah, Miran, Mirana, Miranda▼, Mirell, Mirtie, Muriel▼, Orabel, Orbel, Raisabel, Rosabel, Sibel and Ysabel. These names tend to be more frequently used than Mirabel.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]