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♀ Mireilla
What does Mireilla mean?
Mireilla as a name for girls is of French derivation, and Mireilla means "admire". Mireilla is a variant form of Mireio (French): from mirar.
RELATIONS VIA MIREIO Mireille, Mirell, Mirella, Mirelle, Mireya, Myrelle
Mireilla Guinevere (M.G.), ..
How popular is Mireilla?
Mireilla is a rare first name for women. Mireilla is an equivalently rare surname too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Mireya (#1121 A YEAR AGO) and Mirella are the prominent variation forms of Mireilla (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) ranked in the Top 2000. Adoption of these relations of Mireilla reached its highest in 1997 (MEDIAN #796) and is now much lower. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Mireilla is alike in pronunciation to Marella, Mariela▼, Mariella▲, Marilla, Mirilla, Morela, Morella, Muriella, Myrella, Myrilla and Myrrilla. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Arcilla, Arella, Arvilla▼, Breila, Carmilla, Cirilla, Corella, Corilla, Ebrilla, Fideila, Finella, Gisella, Gizella, Korella, Korilla, Madella, Maravilla, Marcella▼, Marcille, Marelle, Maresella (see Marisela), Mariel▼, Marielle, Marilda, Marilee▼, Marilou, Marla▼, Marlea, Marrilee, Marsiella, Martella, Marvella, Merel, Meriel, Merielle, Merill, Meriol, Merla, Merrall, Merrielle, Merril, Merrile, Merrilee, Merrili (see Merry), Meryll, Michella, Milla, Moisella (see Moselle), Moreisa, Muriel▼, Murielle, Myrla, Neilla, Nirela, Norella, Orella, Percilla, Pernilla, Sibilla, Sirilla, Syrilla, Terella, Vitella and Yarmilla. These names tend to be more commonly used than Mireilla.