Home > Miri


What does Miri mean?

Miri Pronunciation of Miri as a girls' name. The name Miri means "wonderful; peace; prosperous". Miri is an alternate spelling of Mira (Latin, Slavic, Hindi): version of Myra and Miranda.


ASSOCIATED WITH wonderful (good), peace, prosperous (wealthy)


VARIANTS Myra, Mirra, Mireya, Mireille

RELATED FORMS VIA MIRA Mirana, Miriana, Mirilla, Mirka



Miri Ann (M.A.), ..

How popular is Miri?

Miri is an uncommon given name for females but a somewhat popular surname for both adults and children (#104819 out of 150436, Top 70%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Mira (#465 VIA LATEST LIST), Mireya (#1121) and Myra (#491) are the prominent variation forms of Miri (UNLISTED). Adoption of these forms of Miri is at its peak today (AVERAGE #692). Myra has been the overall favorite, although Mira appears to be getting popular too. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Mira, Mireya, Myra in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Mira outside U.S.

Similar Names

Miri is pronounced similarly to Maery, Mahra, Mairi, Marah, Maree, Mari, Mariah, Marie, Marra, Marya, Maura, Maurie, Mayria, Meera, Mera, Merah, Merri, Merry, Mirah, Moira, Mora, Moraia, Moriah, Myrah and Myree. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Abri, Airi, Ari, Bari, Bri, Ciri, Dori, Jeri, Jori, Kiri, Liri, Lori, Maci, Mair, Maire, Mairim, Maji, Mali, Mare, Marg, Margi, Marin, Maris, Marji, Marni, Marti, Mei, Merl, Mia, Michi, Mike, Miki, Mikki, Mila, Mim, Mimi, Mina, Mindi, Mirian, Mirla, Mirta, Mirtie, Miya, Moire, Muire, Peri, Shiri, Siri, Teri and Tori. These names tend to be more commonly used than Miri.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
