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♀ Mirian
What does Mirian mean?
Mirian as a girls' name is of Hebrew derivation, and the name Mirian means "star of the sea". Mirian is a version of Miriam (Hebrew): from Miryam.
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA MIRIAM Mairim, Mariam▲, Maryam▲, Meriam, Meryam, Mimi, Mirham, Mirja, Mirjam, Mirjana, Mirriam, Miryam, Miyana, Myriam
Mirian Cecily (M.C.), ..
How popular is Mirian?
Mirian is a very popular first name for females (#1667 out of 4276, Top 39%) but a rare surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Mirian entered the list in 1992 and reached its peak position of #1771 in the U.S. in the year 1993, but is not listed at the moment. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Miriam (#303 FROM RECENT DATA), Mariam (#548), Maryam (#565), Meriam, Mimi and Myriam are the prominent variation forms of Mirian appearing in the Top 2000. Other forms, like Mirja, are uncommon. Usage of these forms of Mirian was common during 1910-1919 (USAGE OF 0.14%) and has remained as widespread to this day (USAGE 0.13%, 9.8% LESS). Miriam is a perennial favorite, although Maryam seems to be getting popular too, while Miriam is now less common.
Similar Names
Mirian is alike in pronunciation to Mairin, Mareen, Maren▲, Marian▼, Mariane, Mariann, Marianne▼, Marien, Marin, Marine, Marinn, Marion▼, Marrin, Maryan, Maryann▼, Maryn, Maryon, Merryn, Miran, Moreen, Morine and Morwyn. Other recommended sound-alike names are Adrian▼, Cerian, Darian▼, Dorian, Eirian, Eirin, Eirinn, Gilian, Jilian, Kiria, Kiriah, Kiriana, Lilian▲, Lorian, Maria▼, Mariah▼, Marial, Mariana, Marianna▲, Marina, Marinna, Marjan, Marna, Marnia, Meiriona, Merial, Merna, Miliana, Miliani, Mirana, Miri, Miriana, Mirla, Mirna, Mirra, Mirta, Morgan▼, Moriah, Morna, Muirna, Murial, Murna, Myriah, Myrna▼, Niran, Siria, Siriana, Tirian, Tirien, Tirion, Tiryan, Tivian and Vivian. These names tend to be less commonly used than Mirian.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]