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♀ Miureall
What does Miureall mean?
Miureall as a name for girls. The meaning of the name Miureall is "sparkling, shining sea". Miureall is a variant form of Muriel (Irish, Gaelic): first used in the Middle Ages.
VARIANTS Murielle, Murial, Merrill, Meriel, Merial
Miureall Navy (M.N.), ..
How popular is Miureall?
Miureall is an uncommonly occurring given name for women. Miureall is also an uncommon surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Merrill and Muriel are the prominent related forms of Miureall (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) rated in the Top 2000. These forms of Miureall were favored as birth names a century ago (USAGE OF 0.2%), but now, the version Muriel has fallen out of fashion. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Miureall is alike in pronunciation to Marell, Merrall, Merrell, Mirell and Mirelle. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Averell, Cherell, Korall (see Coral), Laurell, Mairead, Marella, Marelle, Margalo, Marial, Marsalla, Marvell, Maura, Maurene, Mauresa (see Maureen), Meral, Merel, Merill, Meryll, Micaela, Mical, Michael▼, Michal, Michala, Michela, Michell▼, Michella, Michelle▼, Migdalla (see Migdalia), Miguela, Mihaela, Mikaela, Mikella, Miquela, Mira▲, Mirabell, Mirah, Miran, Mirana, Mireilla, Mireille, Mireio, Mirella, Miriam▼, Mirian, Miriana, Mirielle, Mirilla, Mirjam, Mirka, Mirla, Mirta, Miryam, Mishelle, Morela, Morella, Muriella, Murle, Murna, Myrella, Myrelle, Nishell, Norell, Peall, Sherell, Shirell, Sibbell (see Sibyl), Sibell, Sorell, Sorrell and Teall. These names tend to be more frequently used than Miureall.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]