Home > Moira


What does Moira mean?

Moira Pronunciation of Moira as a girls' name is pronounced MOY-rah. It is of English, Irish, Gaelic and Latin origin, and the meaning of Moira is "star of the sea". Variant of Maire (Irish, Gaelic), from Mary (Latin). See also Mayra and Myra. Also form of Maura. Also form of Maureen.


ASSOCIATED WITH irish, star, sea


VARIANTS Moire, Moyra


ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA MAIRE, MARY, MAYRA, MYRA Mair, Maira, Maire, Mairi, Malia, Manya, Mara, Mare, Maria, Marita, Marja, Marla, Marya, Masha, Maura, Maure, Mavra, Mayra, Mayria, Mimi, Mira, Miriam, Moll, Molly, Morag, Moya, Muire, Myra, Myrah

(female) Moiri, ..

(male) Moima, ..

Moira Octavia (M.O.), ..

How popular is Moira?

Moira is a very popular first name for women (#1855 out of 4276, Top 43%) but a unique last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Moira entered the list in 1940-1949 and reached its top position of #965 in the U.S. in the 1960s, and is presently at #1606. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Moira name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Moira outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Maria (#116 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Mary (#126), Molly (#158), Malia (#254), Miriam (#303), Mira (#465), Myra (#491), Mara (#681), Mayra (#1501), Maura (#1576), Maira, Marita, Marla, Maureen and Mimi are the popular variation forms of Moira (#1606). These relations of Moira were favored as birth names 78 years ago (AVERAGE #988) and have become much less conventional since (#1079, 86.8%), with forms like Marla going out of style. Malia, Mira and Mara are three of the more chic baby names in this list.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Moira, Maira, Malia, Mara, Maria in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Marita, Marla, Mary, Maura, Maureen in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Mayra, Mimi, Mira, Miriam, Molly, Myra in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Maria, Mary, Mira, Molly outside U.S.

Similar Names

Moira is pronounced similarly to Maery, Mahra, Marah, Mari, Marra, Meara, Meera, Meerah, Meira, Mera, Merah, Merri, Merry, Mirah, Mireya, Miri, Mirra, Mora, Morah, Moraia, Moria and Moriah. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Adira, Ceira, Cira, Cora, Daira, Dobra, Dora, Doura, Edira, Eira, Keira, Kira, Kora, Lora, Lowra, Maida, Maisa, Maiya, Mdina, Meica, Mia, Mica, Mika, Mila, Mina, Mirja, Mirka, Mirla, Mirta, Miya, Moana, Moia, Moina, Moja, Mona, Monica, Monika, Monna, Morna, Mouna, Moyna, Munira, Noora, Nora, Noura, Saira, Shira, Uira, Veira, Yaira, Zaira, Zohra and Zora. These names tend to be less frequently used than Moira.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
