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♀ Moreisa
What does Moreisa mean?
Moreisa as a name for girls has its root in Latin, and the meaning of the name Moreisa is "star of the sea". Moreisa is an alternate spelling of Marisa (Latin): variant spelling of Maria, Maris.
VARIANTS Morysa, Morisa, Marysa, Maressa, Mareisa, Mareesa
Moreisa Aya (M.A.), ..
How popular is Moreisa?
Moreisa is a rare first name for women. Moreisa is a unique surname too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Marisa is the only prominent alternative form of Moreisa (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) listed in the Top 2000. Adoption of this relation of Moreisa was well-received among parents 23 years ago (USAGE OF 0.13%), but now, Marisa has become less in vogue. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Moreisa is pronounced similarly to Marissa▼, Mariza, Marrissa, Maryssa, Mauresa, Maurisa, Merissa, Meryssa and Morissa. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Corisa, Doreina (see Dora), Dorisa, Dorlisa, Joleisa, Koressa, Marcia▼, Mareina, Marika, Maris, Marise, Marisha, Mariska, Markia, Marlisa, Marris, Marsia, Mercia, Meris, Moraia, Morela, Morella, Morena, Moria, Morwina and Motreina. These names tend to be more commonly used than Moreisa.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]