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♀ Morna
What does Morna mean?
Morna as a girls' name is pronounced MOR-nah. It is of Irish origin, and the meaning of Morna is "affection". See also Myrna.
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA MYRNA Meirna, Merna, Mirna, Moina, Moyna, Muirna, Murna
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Morma, ..
(male) Morin, ..
Morna Bellarose (M.B.), ..
How popular is Morna?
Morna is an unusual first name for women and an unusual surname too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent varying forms of Morna (NOT RANKED) are Merna, Mirna and Myrna. Adoption of these forms of Morna was at its apex 9 decades ago (MEDIAN #1034), but now, the version Myrna has fallen out of fashion. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Morna is pronounced similarly to Marna, Marnee, Marney, Marni, Marnia, Marnie▼ and Marnya. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Berna, Bogna, Carna, Corina▼, Corona, Donna▼, Dorena, Dorona, Ferna, Honna, Iona▼, Joana▼, Johna, Korena, Korina, Lona▼, Lorena▼, Lorna▼, Lorrna, Mara▲, Marena, Marfa, Marga, Maria▼, Marina, Marja, Marla▼, Marne, Marta▼, Marva▼, Marya, Meena, Merona, Minna▼, Mira▲, Mirana, Mirja, Mirka, Mirta, Moana, Moia, Moira, Mona▼, Monah, Monna, Mora, Morag, Morela, Morena, Morene, Morgana, Moria, Morine, Morisa, Morwena, Morwina, Mouna, Moyra, Myrla, Nona▼, Norna, Oona, Orna, Rona, Warna, Yona, Zona▼ and Zorina. These names tend to be more frequently used than Morna.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]