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♀ Myrah
What does Myrah mean?
Myrah as a girls' name is of Arabic and Greek origin, and the meaning of the name Myrah is "princess; myrrh". Myrah is an alternate spelling of Almera (Arabic): feminine of Elmer. Myrah is also a form of Elmira (Arabic). Myrah is also used as a variant of Myra (Greek).
VARIANTS Myriah, Myree, Mirah, Mira▲, Mera, Meera▲, Maira▼
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Marrah, ..
(male) Myre, ..
Myrah Jacquelyn (M.J.), ..
How popular is Myrah?
Myrah is an uncommon first name for females. Myrah is an equally unique surname for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Mira (#465 IN 2018), Myra (#491), Meera (#1219), Elmira, Maira and Myriah are the prominent varying forms of Myrah (NOT RANKED). Usage of these relations of Myrah reached its highest during 1880-1889 (AVERAGE #1341) and has remained as widespread to this day (#1362, ▼1.7%), but with forms like Maira becoming somewhat outmoded. Myra is more ubiquitous than the rest, though Mira is now more regularly used. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Myrah is pronounced similarly to Mahra, Mara▲, Maraya, Maree, Mari, Maria▼, Mariah▼, Marra, Mary▼, Marya, Maura, Mayra▼, Mayria, Meerah, Meira, Merah, Merry▼, Mirra, Mora, Morah, Moraia, Moraiah, Moria, Moriah and Moyra. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Abrah, Adrah, Amyrah, Barah, Carah, Cyrah, Darah, Dorah, Dynah, Farah▲, Jorah, Karah, Kylah▲, Kyrah, Lorah, Lydah, Lylah▲, Lynah, Maiah, Marth, Mayah, Meral, Miah▲, Micah▲, Miran, Monah, Morag, Mya, Myka, Mykah, Myla▲, Myriam, Myrla, Myrle, Myrna▼, Myrta▼, Norah▲, Nyah▼, Nylah▲, Oprah, Orah, Perah, Sarah▼, Serah, Tarah▼, Terah, Tyrzah, Zarah and Zorah. These names tend to be more frequently used than Myrah.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]