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♀ Nadine
What does Nadine mean?
Nadine ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced nay-DEEN. It is of French origin. Variant of Nadia. Author Nadine Gordimer.
VARIANTS Nadeen, Nadena, Nadene, Nadie, Nadina, Nadyna, Nadyne, Naydeen
RELATIONS VIA NADIA Nada, Nadege, Nadija, Nadiya, Nadja, Nady, Nadya, Nadzia
Nadine Layla (N.L.), ..
How popular is Nadine?
Nadine is a very prominent first name for women (#415 out of 4276, Top 10%) but an uncommon last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Nadine reached its highest position of #249 in the U.S. in the 1930s, and is at #1475 currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Nadia (#393 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Nada, Nadene and Nadya are the popular related forms of Nadine (#1475). Other variants, like Nadege, are seldom used. These relations of Nadine were at the height of their popularity in 2005 (AVERAGE #1447) and are now much less conventional (#1573, ▼54.1%), with the form Nadine going out of style.
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Adine, Aldine, Ardine, Cadie, Carine, Daline, Davine, Eadie, Eadin, Faline, Jacine, Jadine, Jaine, Jaline, Janine▼, Jaxine, Kadie, Karine, Laine, Larine, Madina, Marine, Maxine▼, Mazine, Nadege, Nadija, Nadira, Nadiya, Nanice, Nanine, Narice, Narine, Natana, Nerine, Norine, Nurine, Ondine, Paine, Raedine, Raine, Rasine, Sabine, Sadie, Sadina, Sarine, Savine, Undine, Wardine and Zadie. These names tend to be less frequently used than Nadine.