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What does Nancey mean?
Nancey as a name for girls is a Hebrew name, and the name Nancey means "He (God) has favored me". Nancey is a variant form of Anne (Hebrew): the English variant spelling of Hannah. Nancey is also a variant of Nancy (Hebrew): variant spelling of Ann.
VARIANTS Nansey, Nansee, Nanncy, Nanncey, Nancie, Nancee, Nainsey
RELATED FORMS VIA ANNE, NANCY Hanny, Nan▼, Nana, Nance, Nanci, Nancsi, Nanete, Nanice, Nanine, Nann, Nanni, Nannie▼, Nanny, Nanon, Nanor, Nonie
Nancey Monica (N.M.), ..
How popular is Nancey?
Nancey is a somewhat prominent first name for women (#3695 out of 4276, Top 86%) but an unusual last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Popular alternative forms of Nancey (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Anne (#599 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Nancy (#839), Nan, Nana, Nancee, Nanci, Nancie, Nannie, Nanny and Nonie. These forms of Nancey were at the apex of their popularity 8 decades ago (ADOPTION OF 2.03%) and have become significantly less widespread since (ADOPTION 0.05%, DOWN 98%), with versions such as Nannie becoming somewhat dated. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Cacey, Caycey (see Casey), Dacey, Daney, Danney, Darcey, Fancey, Fancy, Fanney, Francey, Jacey, Jances, Janey, Janney▼, Kacey, Kascey, Kaycey, Lacey▼, Laicey, Laney, Macey▼, Maicey, Marcey, Nanney, Pansey, Tacey, Taney, Tansey, Tanzey, Yancee, Yancey and Yancy. These names tend to be less commonly used than Nancey.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]