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♀ Nanni
What does Nanni mean?
Nanni as a name for girls has its root in Hebrew, and the name Nanni means "He (God) has favored me". Nanni is a version of Anne (Hebrew): the English respelling of Hannah.
VARIANTS Nonie, Nona▼, Nina▼, Nanny, Nannie▼, Nana
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ANNE Anci, Anki, Ann▼, Anna▼, Anni, Annie▼, Annis, Anny, Hajna, Hana▲, Hanja, Hanka, Hanny, Nan▼, Nance, Nancee, Nancey, Nanci, Nancie, Nancy▼, Nanete, Nanice, Nanine, Nanon, Nanor, Neti, Ninon, Ninor, Oni
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Nyni, ..
(male) Nanne, ..
Nanni Cambria (N.C.), ..
How popular is Nanni?
Nanni is an uncommonly occurring first name for women but a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#24146 out of 150436, Top 16%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Ann (#983 A YEAR AGO), Anna (#54), Anne (#599), Annie (#308), Annis, Hana (#727), Nan, Nana, Nancee, Nanci, Nancie, Nancy (#839), Nannie, Nanny, Nina (#319), Nona and Nonie are the prominent related forms of Nanni (NOT RANKED) listed in the Top 2000. Usage of these relations of Nanni was at its peak a century ago (MEDIAN #793) and is now much reduced (#1401, DOWN 91%). Anna is the continual favorite, although Hana appears to be gaining favor too, while versions like Annie are now less common. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Nanni is alike in pronunciation to Nani, Nania, Nanna, Nanney, Neena, Neina, Nena, Neneh, Nenna, Nonah, Noni, Nonna, Nonnah, Nonnie and Nyna. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Benni, Bonni, Bunni, Conni, Dani▲, Danni, Denni, Donni, Fanni, Franni, Genni, Ginni, Jayni, Jenni, Jinni, Jonni, Kanani, Kani, Kianni, Lani, Lonni, Marni, Nainsi, Nalani▲, Nancsi, Nanda, Nann, Nanncy, Naomi▲, Nari, Rani, Ronni, Sonni, Sunni, Tahni, Tani, Tawni, Vinni and Vonni. These names tend to be more frequently used than Nanni.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]