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What does Nannie mean?
Nannie ▼ as a name for girls has its root in Hebrew, and the name Nannie means "He (God) has favored me". Nannie is a variant form of Anne (Hebrew): the English version of Hannah. Nannie is also a variation of Nan (Hebrew): variant and contraction of Ann. Nannie is also used as a variation of Nancy (Hebrew).
VARIANTS Nonie, Nona▼, Nina▼, Nanny, Nanni, Nanney, Nanna, Nania, Nana
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ANNE, HANNAH, NAN, NANCY Anni, Annice, Annie▼, Annis, Annise, Hanna▼, Hanne, Hannele, Hannie, Hanny, Nainsey, Nainsi, Nance, Nancee, Nancey, Nanci, Nancie, Nancsi, Nanelle, Nanete, Nanette▼, Nanice, Nanine, Nann, Nanncey, Nanncy, Nannette▼, Nanon, Nanor, Nansee, Nansey, Nettie▼, Onie▼
Nannie Maelynn (N.M.), ..
How popular is Nannie?
Nannie is a very prominent first name for females (#768 out of 4276, Top 18%) and also a very prominent surname for all people (#69854 out of 150436, Top 46%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Nannie entered the list in 1880-1889 and reached its top rank of #98 in the U.S. then, but is not listed currently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent alternative forms of Nannie are Hannah (#33 IN 2018), Annie (#308), Nina (#319), Hanna (#561), Anne (#599), Nancy (#839), Nan, Nana, Nancee, Nanci, Nancie, Annice, Nanette, Nanna, Nannette, Nanny, Nettie, Annis, Nona, Nonie and Onie. These forms of Nannie were favored as baby names 138 years ago (USAGE OF 2.93%) and have become significantly less common since (USAGE 0.54%, DOWN 81.6%), with versions like Nettie becoming somewhat dated.
Similar Names
Nannie▼ is pronounced similarly to Nani, Nenna, Noni, Nonna, Nonnah and Nonnie. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Bennie▼, Binnie, Bonnie▼, Bunnie, Cinnie, Connie▼, Cynnie, Dabnie, Dafnie, Danie, Danne, Dannee, Dannia, Dennie, Dinnie, Evannie, Fancie, Fannee, Fannia, Fannie▼, Gennie, Hannia, Janie▼, Jannae, Janne, Jannice, Jannie▼, Jannis, Jaynie, Jeannie▼, Jennie▼, Jinnie, Jonnie, Kandie, Lanie, Lannie, Linnie▼, Lonnie, Luannie, Mandie, Marnie▼, Minnie▼, Monnie, Nadie, Naomi▲, Naomia, Naomie, Nattie, Pansie, Pennie▼, Randie, Rawnie, Rennie, Sandie, Sannie, Sinnie, Sunnie, Swannie, Tandie, Tawnie, Vangie, Vannie, Vinnie▼, Winnie▼, Wynnie, Yannic, Zandie, Zanne and Zannie. These names tend to be less frequently used than Nannie.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]