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♀ Natalee
What does Natalee mean?
Natalee as a name for girls is of Latin origin, and the name Natalee means "birthday". Natalee is an alternate form of Natalie (Latin): refers to the birthday of Christ.
VARIANTS Nattilie, Natilie, Natilee, Nathalie, Natelie, Natalya, Nataly, Natallie, Nataliya, Natalia▲, Natali▼, Nataleigh, Nataleah, Natalea, Natala
RELATIONS VIA NATALIE Nata, Natale, Nataleen, Natalene, Natalina, Nataline, Natalja, Natalka, Natalle, Natallia, Natasha▼, Nately, Nathalee, Nathalia▲, Nathaly▲, Nattie
Natalee Kehlani (N.K.), ..
How popular is Natalee?
Natalee is an unusual first name for females. Natalee is an equally uncommon last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Natalee was first listed in 1980-1989 and reached its highest rank of #507 in the U.S. in 2006, and is at #1201 presently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Natalie (#39 IN 2018), Natalia (#114), Natasha (#809), Nathalie (#818), Nataly (#924), Nathalia (#1004), Nathaly (#1020), Natalya (#1434), Natali and Nattie are the popular alternative forms of Natalee (#1201). Other forms, like Natalene, are uncommon. Adoption of these forms of Natalee reached its highest a decade ago (USAGE OF 0.98%) and is somewhat less today (USAGE 0.56%, ▼42.5%). Natalie has been the recurring favorite, although Nathalia appears to be becoming a favorite too, while versions like Natasha are now less popular.
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Analee, Annalee▲, Ashalee, Atalee, Auralee, Bailee▲, Baylee, Bevalee (see Beverly), Calee, Callee, Caralee, Carlee, Carolee, Casadee, Cataleen, Catee (see Kate), Coralee, Dannalee (see Danna), Emalee▼, Emmalee, Eulalee, Galatee (see Galatea), Hailee, Hanalee, Harlee▲, Hatsee, Haylee▼, Janalee, Jannalee, Jaylee, Jeralee, Kailee, Kallee, Karalee, Karlee, Kataleen, Kathee, Langlee (see Langley), Lauralee, Maelee, Mahalee, Marilee▼, Marlee▲, Marylee, Nalanee, Nalea, Nanelle, Nansee, Nastalya, Natacha, Natacia, Natahnee, Natajha, Natana, Natanya, Natasa, Natasia, Natavia, Neale, Pattee, Raelee, Rajanee, Rivalee, Rosalee▲, Rozalee, Sallee, Sarahlee, Saralee, Shalee, Stacee, Stasee, Tajanee, Tallee, Valaree and Vallee. These names tend to be more frequently used than Natalee.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]