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♀ Natalie
What does Natalie mean?
Natalie as a girls' name is pronounced NAT-a-lee. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Natalie is "birthday". Refers to the birthday of Christ, or Christmas. French form of Natalya. There was a fourth-century Saint Natalia. The "h" is silent in the French form Nathalie; some American variants (like Nathalee) are phonetically spelled to retain the "h" sound. Actresses Natalie Wood, Natalie Portman; singer Natalie Cole.
VARIANTS Nastassja, Nat, Nata, Natala, Natale, Natalea, Nataleah, Natalee, Nataleen, Nataleigh, Natalene, Natali▼, Natalia▲, Natalina, Natalja, Natalina, Nataline, Nataliya, Natalka, Natalle, Natallia, Natallie, Nataly, Nataliya, Natalya, Natasha▼, Natelie, Nately, Nathalee, Nathalia▲, Nathalie, Nathaliely, Nathalija, Nathaly▲, Natilee, Natilie, Natividad, Natka, Nattilie, Nattie, Natty, Nettie▼, Talia▲, Talya, Tasha▼, Tashie
SEE ALSO Christmas
Natalie Molly (N.M.), ..
How popular is Natalie?
Natalie is a very popular first name for women (#216 out of 4276, Top 5%) and also a very popular surname for both adults and children (#32380 out of 150436, Top 22%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Natalie reached its apex position of #13 in the U.S. in 2008, and is at #39 currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Natalia (#114 LAST YEAR), Talia (#333), Natasha (#809), Nathalie (#818), Nataly (#924), Nathalia (#1004), Nathaly (#1020), Natalee (#1201), Natalya (#1434), Natali, Natividad, Nattie, Nettie, Talya and Tasha are the prominent varying forms of Natalie (#39). These relations of Natalie were favored as birth names 12 years ago (USAGE OF 1%) and are somewhat less conventional today (USAGE 0.6%, DOWN 39.5%), with forms like Tasha going out of style. Talia, Natalia, Nathalia and Nathaly are four of the more trendy names for newborns in this compilation.
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